A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2563: Fun Aunty And Uncle

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    In my job I still have to wear a mask every day and get tested about every two weeks I would say ( depending on the kind of appointments that week)
    So I’m always mask-ready.
    Luckily noone of us got long covid, but I had post covid ( this is what they call symptoms up to 12 weeks after the infection ) I was extremely tired for 2-3 weeks.
    Still overall a lucky situation.
    Now I’m waiting for my second infection ( well, I don’t want it but I wouldn’t be surprised with 2 kids in school ) and wonder how that’s gonna be.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    I can see the anti choice movement being motivated by wanting more white children. But also. Being seen as a baby factory isn’t some kind of price. Patriarchy ist home for me. It’s the enemy! I live all my life trying to fight against it. ( I have lots of examples its not just talk and we do have 2 kids. When you have kids the patriarchy gets a real boost and does everything to push you into old gender roles)

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