A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2567: Mickey Vs Elmo

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: ManScaped



  1. Mary

    I’m with you two. I feel like I’m a grumpy bitch for not watching the Jan. 6 Hearings and laughing at the Josh Hawley running away memes, but it’s not funny to me. The Made-For-TV Show-ness of it has the same energy to me as when my (white) liberal friends discuss politics. They *say* all the right stuff, but there’s a vibe of this is Sport for them…Because it kind of is. They’re either not affected by it or have the means to work around it. So I’m just waiting to hear if we got them — all of them — especially him. Then I’ll celebrate a little.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    This weekend I was in Berlin for work, I took the train and everyone had to wear a mask. On the way to Berlin a police man went through the train and controlled if people wore masks. One guy didn’t, he asked him to wear it and the guy put it on. So thats good. But overall I still am sure I will get it again some day, I can’t do my job just from home office. It was incredibly hard when I had to. And having smaller kids is also a big risk factor. So I am careful as far as I can but also I have somehow given up on the thought I was done with covid.

  3. Anne

    I have to confess that I stopped listening to TBGWT for months because I was busy with work. I know that’s no excuse. Now I’m back and I’m looking forward to not getting all of the inside jokes.

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