A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2568: Keke Palmer and the Pink Sauce

Rod and Karen discuss Coronavirus News, LGBTQ News, Keke Palmer vs Zendaya, the African-American dictionary, Black Capitalists and Sword Ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

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  1. Dr_Doughstax

    Howdy y’all,

    I paused the episode when that woman said she couldn’t take the vaccine cuz her kidneys couldn’t process. I couldn’t leave a voicemail for this (message said it was unavailable), but I got COVID back in May, have chronic kidney disease and attribute the vaccine to keeping me safe *and* allowing me to take Molnupiravir (I have no clue how to pronounce that), a medication for high risk COVID patients. Hearing her say that shit had me *heated* like South Carolina in August. Smdh. Sorry, just hearing that nonsense made me mad. Thank you for covering all this and keep up the great work!



  2. bamil73

    If I was Keke Palmer I would probably admire myself in the mirror daily, but I would also be pretty upset with the people “defending” my career which doesn’t need “defending” thank you very much. There’s probably a “colorism in Hollywood” discussion to be had but not with these two very talented people.

    With respect to the pink sauce lady, I say you’re being too harsh. We need to support Black Businesses at all costs, even if it causes Botulism. Support Black Botulism!


  3. Itsmee

    Hey, hi…
    Listening to the show and just wanted to say I’m a fan of both Keke and Zendya (rooting for everyone black✊) both ladies are super talented and both are living their best life. But I’m just sitting here screaming can we please remember that Keke had a Good Morning America show?! Plus she is everywhere. Remember “Sorry to this man….” Why must we pit each other against each other to make a point that doesn’t need to be made. The person who originally made these comments was the one who was dismissive of Keke’s status and accomplishments. Keep Keke and Zendaya’s name out your mouth, and put some respect on it if you can’t.

  4. Slickbarber

    Hi Rod & Karen I just wanted to comment about the article about Nick Perkins and his purchasing of Fuddruckers. Nick is my classmate from FSU Class of 03. He has been doing his thing in the food service industry for years now. He got his start by doing work study working in the caf at FSU. His food service was at one time the primary food company for FSU and several other HBCUs. Back in 2014 he and his company donated $1 million to the university. It’s great to see fellow Broncos thriving and succeeding. Thanks for the great show. Attitude Check…..Bronco Pride!!!

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I worked when I had Covid because

    1. I was bored and couldn’t leave the house
    2. I had hardly any symptoms.

    I dont think it hurt my but also I had a mild case.

    Lol, about the woman who said pharma companies are paying money for sex changes. Pharma companies love money. Why would they give it away for a sex change? I would like to hear one reason. But I’m sure the reason would be something like: ” America! Guns! Jesus!”

    Btw Karen was right about age being one factor to understanding who has a protection against monkeypox.
    And the location you were raised in.
    I, an eastern European born, very late gen x person, got the regular pox vaccine in Poland and have still the special scar to prove it. It is supposed to be 85% efficient against monkey pox. Yey! Mr Apia hasn’t gotten it because he is real a western European and they are like the Spotify users. With all their money they felt so safe I guess.

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