A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2573: Coupon Cops

Rod and Karen discuss the recast T’Challa movement, Coronavirus News, LGBTQ News, Ivana Trump’s grave, Will Smith’s apology video, Solomon Buchi update, man sued for 10k for no show date, third party for moderates, Bey’s new album set to dominate charts, cannibal castrators caught, coupon crooks caught, seafood on an airplane and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: ManScaped



  1. pretty tomboy

    Hey loves! It’s been a minute but I’m here. I wanted to talk a bit about the recast t’challa movement. So I’m not a big Twitter person but I am on YouTube. Since I love nerdy shit I got a suggestion to watch Eman reviews. It happened to be right around the time of Chadwicks passing.

    I watched a live of his. He was ranting about the need to recast because of the black BOY and the lack of heroes and he made a point to say that he spoke to Chadwicks brother and he didn’t want black panther to be feminized by having a woman in the suit cause that’s supposedly what Chadwick would have wanted. He went on and on. He courted those type of followers. In fact, I had to go off on one of his homeboys who has another yt channel who did a video on The Woman King and allowed a discussion that was centered around the very idea that there is no way that there could be a black woman who is a King. I had to block his channel and a bevy of others.

    He’s gross and I refuse to watch him. When he was on For All Nerds (both times) he claimed his followers aren’t his fault but he actually is those followers. I hate that he is able to use this to gain more eyes to his channel. He’s hotep hotepy.

    I also want to say this (I’m sorry this is long) but it needs to be said that Marvel HAS CONSTANTLY put black men in their films. From Chadwick to Kang to Rhodey to Killmonger to The Watcher to my man’s with the patch to Falcon. Representation is not the problem and I’m sure Marvel will handle T’challa in the future with his due respect. Black women well… at least we have Monica for now.

    Anyways love yall and all yall do!

  2. HvyWght

    I remember when Tony Rock was asked about “The Slap” and expressed his legitimate anger, people mocked him saying he was exploiting the situation for a moment in the spotlight. I wonder if Will saying specifically that they were good friends will have anyone going back on that. I also think the best statement Jada could say is exactly what she said. Even if she completely supported The Slap, it wouldn’t be prudent to say. And, from the other side which some may not consider, she may have been 100% against it!

  3. ApiafromGermany

    Ivana Trump: I read an article about her funeral in the new york times and it seemed insane.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    Progress isn’t something automatic, people who think that are undermining the accomplishments of the ones who fought for change. The regressive powers always want to strike back.
    We had the antique ( with its problems but at least with science) and the middle ages way after it.

    The two party system:
    I’m glad we dont have it. Here after an election you never know witch parties will have to build a coalitions to find a majority so they can’t completely hate on each other. But sometimes I’m surprised by the new invented parties and their rise and fall. Btw the Supreme Court positions aren’t here for life and it’s fine.

  5. RamseyDeeJenkins

    I am playing catch up from last week, but I wanted to say. Thank you, Rod and Eman, for appearing on For All Nerds Show!

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