A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2577: Home Makers Vs Home Wreckers

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. Sofa_King

    What was it I heard Chemda say on y’all’s show a couple weeks ago? Welcome to forty? Well, welcome to forty-three, nigga! Talking about how gassed you were when you went to play basketball, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the last time you had to take an extended break from hooping, whether due to injury or whatever else, was significantly before the panorama, which would mean before you turned forty… That shit hit different, don’t it, nigga?

  2. ApiafromGermany

    I want to apologize for my remark about Beyonce. The remark was that she is a great artist but that I like radiohead more.
    After long consideration I apologize that I said other artists exist. They don’t really.
    It’s Beyonce’s world. I haven’t listened to her album yet but I give it 20 out of 10 possible points.
    She is a goddess without any flaws and I’m glad I get to live on the same planet as her.
    I’m sure when I said I liked Radiohead I was racist. They are white! Of course! Of course I give my money to the white man. I’m probably as bad as the Maga women.
    I’m going now to the basement to hit myself and to read about Beyonce all day. Maybe to build a small Beyonce altar! As long I don’t cross the line to cultural appreciation!
    Wish me luck. Or better don’t. I as a white woman don’t want to tell you what to do.

    • ApiafromGermany

      I haven’t listened to the album yet just because my white ears don’t deserve it.

  3. pretty tomboy

    Hey Rod and Karen! Apologies. I should have been more clear. I definitely am including the women in black panther. I see myself so much in those women so yes. I was just talking about the lack of black female leads in the mcu. Every black woman is a supporting character and up and until this point I have been ok with that because we are still being portrayed really well. I’m just sick of black men centering themselves when they do have representation. It’s ridiculous. Also I knew you didn’t support emans lol. I saw your face on the video lol. I’m excited for black women in the future mcu but for now I fiercely support every single woman in black panther, monica rambeau and ms marvel until we can catch a lead spot. It’s important for lil black girls too. But I know yall know that.

    Thanks again fam!

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