A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2588: Stab and Frisk

Rod and Karen recap HBO’s “House Of The Dragon.”

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

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  1. Law

    Roddenkaren! I said I was done with GoT shit after the last go-around, but maybe I just needed a battery recharge. But I’m here for the recaps, the blonde dragon riders with hood names and all sorts of royal treachery.

  2. pretty tomboy

    Great recap yall! Yall had me cryin. I need this over these complaining-I-gotta-find-something-wrong-WITH-EVERYTHING-damn-reviews outchea.

    I also appreciate you saying no spoilers. I’ve never read the books but this entire story is written and these book niggas are itchin to tell it all.

    the funniest thing I heard is when the guy got his junk cut off he pooted lol. Did yall hear that on your tv? Cause I didn’t but it makes all the sense lmaoo.

    we back fam!

  3. MiztahJ

    I’m READY for all the tea, shade, mess, drama, betrayal, and downright foolishness that is Game Of Thrones. Otto Hightower is a messy bitch who lives for drama, so he’s my new problematic fave! I’m glad Drogon melted that chair because who wants sepsis from their interior décor!? I do wonder if a WXYZ section is what killed Mama Lannister when giving birth to Tyrion. If so, I see why Cersei hates that guy because, whew, chile, I’d hate that nigga too!

  4. dolemout

    I’ll admit, I wasn’t really hyped till I got this recap episode in my feed, but that’s because I’m trippin. I loved GoT, why did I ever think this show wasn’t going to be good?? Gonna be here every week for sure.

    • alycecoleman@gmail.com

      I came to say this

  5. ApiafromGermany

    Im to weak to watch this show as I was for GOT.
    I like shows where people are stay more in one piece. Hope I don’t have to apologize to GOT now!

  6. RamseyDeeJenkins

    This review was joy, joy, joy! From the Kneegrow character names to the show title Stab and Frisk, I am here for the weekly reviews.

  7. Jwan Allen

    I’m so excited, I’m leaving a comment before I listen to this recap.

    Niggas, WE BACK! (rod’s voice)

  8. bamil73

    I’m gonna break one of the rules here with a spoiler. Danerys, 172 years from this series timeline, is going to burn the shit out Kings Landing. Ha Haaa! Spoiler alert nigga!


  9. PamelaM8

    “Are you excited for House of the Dragon?” Nah, I’m excited for your recaps of House of the Dragon! I don’t have HBO and don’t plan on getting it; the last time I had HBO was the first season of Sex and The City. If it ever becomes available at the library on DVD I’ll check it out. I do not like watching violence, stabbing, gore, etc., so your recaps really helped me when I watched Game of Thrones because I knew what was coming and could look away. And y’all got them jokes! Appreciate it!

  10. brooklynshoebabe

    I’m not excited for House of Dragons but I am excited for TBGWT recaps of HoD. Damn, I was laughing so hard and I realized how much I missed your recaps. Go ahead and have fun with DemDragons.

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