A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2592: Aasher And BroBroCookDatUp

Rod and Karen start off the show interviewing rapper Aasher and producer / Rod’s brother BroBroCookDatUp and then we get into some news. Then we discuss Fani Willis using rap lyrics in court, Twitter Circles, box of guns delivered to school, UPS drivers struggling with heat, Dan Price sexual assault allegations, Startup develop AI to make people sound white, woman scammed by children in park, Pastor was offered money to promote menthol cigs, update on the firefighter Juneteenth party and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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  1. alycecoleman@gmail.com

    Guys, I’m sorry I’m so behind in my podcasts right now. But I just listened to the story about the robot that’s translating people’s accents for call centers and it just reminded me of an incident in my company’s call center. The office is in Chattanooga and it’s full of southern Black people and apparently not everybody can handle it. One of our employees actually got cursed out and called the n-word one day by some carcasian caller who lost it. It really hurt his feelings. I’m in the African American resource group with him, and he got teary eyed while telling us about it. He’s a really sweet guy. I felt so bad. The managers handed it pretty well, but it just shouldn’t have happened. I really hope this is not seen as a solution for people who just can’t stand to be on the phone with somebody Black!

  2. ApiafromGermany

    Racism question:
    The only time I ever played corn hole was at a katg event where there were people of all origins.
    It’s not known here in Europe.
    Now in this party story it seems to be a sign of racism. I’m confused.
    I could imagine it to be something from the south and therefore suspicious? Can you help me?

  3. ApiafromGermany

    I’m obviously as far from black rap as it gets but it seems to me that the killing part is more the problem not the raping about it. Honestly they are making the job for law enforcement pretty easy. Just download a track and listen to it instead of walking around and investigating, this is also very cost effective for the police. Maybe be more creative? Instead of saying I shot that guy in his apartment say : I baked him a nice cake and brought flowers? And only you will know that flowers=bullet.
    I’m sure this was somehow racist. I’m sorry. Just in case.

  4. SuavyP

    I voted fair because if you dumb enough to put it in there, then you probably need to go to the jail. I just have a feeling that whatever crime you bragged about, you’ll probably do it again and we don’t need that, ijs.

    Also, I consider myself far from an animal rights activist but aye Dog, do I need to call PETA?? Bark twice for yes and I got you


  5. EBailey

    I’m of two minds about using rap lyrics in court. If I say “EYE put three in Johnny’s body”, and Johnny was shot three times that’s fair game. But if you want to pin me to crime because I said I would, will, or do generally in my art and that’s used as evidence, that’s a problem. I know that’s a cloudy. But if you’re putting your name on a specific crime you’ve blurred the line between art and reality.

  6. DannyS17

    I voted foul only because prosecutors rarely if ever use lyrics of songs from other genres against the artist.

  7. rdmiller728

    Hey lady Kareem! Ok Rog, I am admitting up front that I messed up the poll. I voted foul before hearing the segment, then I voted fair. Oops. I agree with the prosecutor, if you live your raps expect to suffer the consequences! Now the real reason I came here to leave a comment, was to say, I was super excited about this episode. I love any time that Mother, Father, or Bro Bro Tips are on the show. Also, I left the same comment on YouTube. Have you ever considered including the YouTube comments on the feedback show?

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