A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2598: Spicy Rod

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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  1. LaKeta Chism-Williams

    Per the poll, I erased the comment because of all the reasons you mentioned in the show. I work for a pretty “liberal” company, but it’s still run by white men and white-adjacent men. I could have gone to my boss – a white woman who DOES work to be an ally – but I was TIRED. Let’s call “Becky” over
    – where LaKeta is the only POC – to first hear Becky complain about how it made her “feel” before LaKeta explains to these 3 white women why Becky was wrong & in her feelings. Oh? They don’t agree? Well let’s take this to white HR then! It was the 2nd time I’d seen something that egregious in about 20 min, the 1st being an article about America only caring about white feelings. Again – WHO is that insulting? Or was it the truth slapping you in the face that you didnt care for? I removed it, knowing that it was possible I would have to defend it at a later date – and I would be READY – but I was exhausted in that moment.

  2. JLCauvin

    Hello Rod, Karen and Apia,

    I often make fun of buzz words and terms embraced by the Left, but I must say listening to this episode, I felt seen. When the previous week’s House of the Dragon recap was done I felt that Rod was ignoring the clear spiteful similarities between me and Daemon. But fortunately during this feedback episode Rod gave me my spite flowers and Karen threw in an extra bouquet when she rightfully suggested that I would hit an agent with the microphone. Aside from the incest, I am glad to see Daemon finally giving those motivated by spite someone we can look at and say, “Mommy, that character acts just like me!” Ever since MJ retired I have felt like TV and film have not given Spite Gods like myself a meaningful depiction. P.S. Wakanda Forever? More like Wakanda Could Never be The Dark Knight. I will give my dollars to The Woman King instead because the only time I will support movies like that is to shame everyone who doesn’t see it but will see Wakanda Forever. PPS Jon Bernthal may call in for next week’s feedback to promote his new show American Gigolo on Showtime – YEEAAAHUUUUGHH

    • LaKeta Chism-Williams

      Lmao I love JL!

    • ApiafromGermany

      Thanks for the mention!

  3. alycecoleman@gmail.com

    Rod, you didn’t want to know why that guy had on a mask? Wtf was wrong with his skin? Why doesn’t he talk? How did he get a whole horde of followers? I was definitely intrigued by the Crabfeeder. But I bow to you superior wisdom, Roderick of Home Box Office, First of his Name.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    I know Chicago only from the TV series the good wife and the good fight and it was probably filmed in LA. But it surely looked cool and like a huge city.
    Now I also checked real estate in Charlotte NC, it’s a city also way more known that mine. The real estate is at about 50% of our prices. That’s confusing.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Price per sqere foot here in a house is about 520 Dollars here.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I remember at the beginning of me dating my former boyfriend my mother asked me if his family doesn’t mind that weren’t “real” Germans and if they maybe let me feel that I’m from a inferior country. They didn’t. But you see there the inner self worth problems of my mother and the typical identity problems of an immigrant.

  6. ApiafromGermany

    Childcare wasn’t free but it was affordable.
    It was about 350/ month, the last year before school 6 hours a day were free.

    I know myself, without kids I would have invented my money in dating adventures and traveling. Because whatfor should I buy a house in an area where so many families live. Maybe an appartement somewhere. Thinking about the Alternative Apia makes me sad she doesnt know about Mr Apia or the kids so I guess I made the right decisions. I have a friend who I learned with at university ( we went to law school together but after university I went to work for big pharma not a classical law job) She has no kids ( and is sad about it) and had moved a lot had also several relationships. This way she started new multiple times in different cities that wasn’t good for building wealth.

    Also, the fact that I work 100% in a well paid job is also rather unusual here.
    We had times where Mr Apia made more money but the last 5 years I do because of changing the company and getting promoted.

    I dont think that being white was a reason for my financial success directly. Using your definition 97% at least are white here. Its not special here. Absolutely possible that it would have been harder if I was black but the affordable child care, free health insurance, free college, free schools help everyone.

    The society is so white here that I am “off white “. ( is this racist? If so sorry)
    I’m an immigrant in this society here, I came to Germany by the age of 12 and Poland was considered a less than country. Polish people were called lazy criminals and polish women cheap.

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