A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 346: Neighbors

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss PWA’s, French toast, weddings, the Dahmer Netflix series, re-watching Game of Thrones, Karen getting flowers for her mom, Tabitha Brown, the Bling Ring Doc, listener feedback and news.


  1. fyahworks

    Happy Thursday gang!

    What a week!

    There’s been more separation than a star wide receiver and a backup cornerback!

    Tom Brady and Gisele have hired divorce lawyers! Does this mean we have Tom Brady in the nfl for another 10 years? Lol

    Also singer Miguel and his wife are getting a divorce after 4 years married and 17 years together.

    Along with Tia mowry and Cory hardrict calling it quits after 14 years!

    Did you guys see or hear that mero of bodega boys fame is doing a podcast with Michelle Bradley on Amazon amp? It’s called fast and loose.

    Lastly I heard last night the death toll for Ian has surpassed 100! Hope you guys were good and all that, right now we dealing with 5 straight days of rain in nyc!

    You guys be safe, have a great weekend

    Until next time

    Fyahworks out

  2. SuavyP

    Rod, I am with you 100% with “The Bells” being in my top 5 Game of Thrones episodes. After all the slogging through the first couple of seasons watching Danerys constantly having to be talked out of pan frying all of Westeros, it sure felt mighty good to finally watch that Targaryen go full Targaryen! All that was missing from that episode was the nigga from Mortal Kombat popping into the screen saying “TOASTY” while she was cooking all of Westeros for it to have been the single greatest moment in television history!
    As for all the flack the show was getting from people saying that they made Danerys go crazy out of nowhere, I say what show was yall niggas watching?? Need I remind them of a scene waay back in Season 2 episode 4 titled “Garden of Bones” when Danny and the Dothraki arrived at the city of Qarth and asked to be let in other wise they would die in the desert. One of The Thirteen that greeted her at the gate asked if they could see her dragons before they would let her enter and she took that as an insult and refused to do so. As the man turned away, you can see Danny visibly about to lose her shit when Ser Jorah tried to talk her down. She then rushed forward steaming and shouted the following: “When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me, and Destroy those who have wronged me. We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground. Turn us away and we will burn you first.”… The man from The Thirteen then turned around and said “ Ahh, you are a true Targaryen”. This show has been hinting at how crazy this bih has been for the entirety of the show! People really do seem to watch a show and inject their own thoughts about a character rather than taking in what’s on the screen right in front of them smh.
    Also, I hate to be that person suggesting more things for yall to watch but Rod, have you seen the show “Five Days at Memorial” on Apple TV? It’s a drama about the horrific events taken place at Memorial Hospital in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and the resulting flooding that took place after the levees breached. It stars Vera Farmiga playing one of the doctors tending to patients and trying to evacuate them under impossible circumstances and conditions. Its 8 episodes long and I think you will enjoy it.

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