A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2629: Juve The Lion

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    Thank you for bringing up Egypt because I’m confused. I know Egypt from the Bible and from the history lessons of course. It’s in Africa. ( news flash) Rami Malek who is Egyptian was on SNL in a bit how he cannot play Prince because he isn’t black. I did some research if Egyptians are considered black. The answer I found was “rather not but who knows” and now it’s the basis for black people being the real Jews. What. Is. It.
    And all human life and culture started in Africa, its the origin for humanity so what does this even mean.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    In Germany the anti Jewish movement under Hitler started with the narrative ” we have been wronged by the Jews and its time to fight back, we need to protect ourselves”
    It’s a very dangerous narrative. Thank you for speaking about Kanye in this way you do. I think because he was so successful and arty people hesitated to criticise him for so long.
    I can maybe as a feminist say its like seeing a successful woman being shitty. I’m so glad she is where she is is extra sad when she turn out racist for example.
    But now I began to think real equality is when we have so many women being successful that some of them are shitty. That’s progress I guess?

  3. ApiafromGermany

    Im so glad that you already enjoy centimeters.
    The inches and yards are way worse than the temperature measurement.
    They seem so random to me. Like I’m 6 chickens and 3 eggs high. The foot measurements are also patriarchy related. A foot would be an US size 13 foot. The foot most likely of a tall man. Of course.

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