A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2647: Radiators, Thermostats and Shower Rods

Rod and Karen discuss Rod’s NYC adventures, going to the movies, seeing Chris Lamberth, Rod got locked out, Instacart gone wrong, seeing Santa Claus, bread molding, Karen vs the Thermostat, new cleaning pads, the shower rod breaks, Karen’s natural hair journey, Coronavirus News, Merrick Garlands calls for an end to coke vs crack sentence disparities, and Nick Cannon says he’s spread too thin.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. Kandiikane

    Hey Rod and Karen! I love your show I was super interested in the hair dryer Karen was talking about. I have 4c very thick hair as well. Any chance you could send me a link?

  2. Mwangangi

    This Nick Cannon shit is some frog and scorpion shit, just with more bukkake

  3. ApiafromGermany

    My friend/neighbor died recently, like last month. I always tired to motivate her to move more, to go a walk together, it could have saved her, but she didnt want to, she was ashamed because she felt unfit and choose isolation and in the end couldn’t even leave her bedroom. I knew she was just on the other side of the wall, but I didn’t see her anymore for the last 2 years really. She texted me and but pauses between the texts got longer and longer. Like months. She lived in the house attached to ours with her family, She had heart disease but the isolation and not moving made the disease way worse. Not everyone is like my friend Carolla. Luckily.. There was more to it, she was also depressed and didn’t do anything about it. She gave up on herself. I see that. Now I sometimes still blame myself for not trying even more, but I asked her like 15 times, and it’s unlikely the 16-tenth time would have changed that. I hope this explains my annoying behavior even more.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    I thought about it and being so annoying about this topic was triggered by some recent events in my life and I put it on you.

    • rodimusprime

      All good. I appreciate you saying that. And there are no hard feelings. As we say in New York, “Aaaay! I’m walking here!”

  5. ApiafromGermany

    Fully vaccinated means here 3 shots or 2 and recovery from infection. It’s in a law.

    I have had 4 shots and an infection! Bragging.

    I am a female bodied person and still I’m way more bothered by heat than cold.
    Im mostly warm, some would say hot, but that’s another story. We never use any kind of heat in our bedroom and it’s in your degrees 16 here right now. I love it. Must be my Slavic genes.
    When it’s to warm, especially inside I’m getting dizzy.

    I wanted to use the locking out incident to campaign for walking again, it would have been easier and faster but I also don’t want to end up on some list of annoying people. Ups, I still said it. Oh well. You are the best Rod.

    • rodimusprime

      I am walking every day. More than the amount you said to walk in your last comment. Please don’t obsess over this as I am working on it. Also walking wouldn’t solve me being locked out at 9 pm in the rain in pajamas. If this is going to turn into a thing for you then I ask that you drop it for both our sakes.

      • ApiafromGermany

        Ok ok! I was just worried about you. I will stop now. Sorry.

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