A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2666: Icoonic

Rod and Karen are joined by Brandon Collins of Drunk Black History to discuss script writing, living in California, Drunk Black History, imposter syndrome, TJ and Amy out at GMA, the Free Britney people call the cops to her house, Beyonce performs in Dubai, Tyre Nichols killed by police, Jason Whitlock and sword ratchetness.

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Mwangangi

    My job is trying to fix people. My life is imposter syndrome. I don’t know how you feel confident enough to just know you’re going to get the desired medical outcome. When I complete a procedure I’m waiting to see if they patient responds close enough to the human baseline — because if they don’t all I got left is a hand full of possibles.

  2. HvyWght

    The Beyoncé critique originated from one Bev Jackson, the co-founder of the British advocacy group LGB Alliance. Then news feeds picked it up and everyone starts responding to the headline and it seems a much bigger issue than the reality. The same thing happened last week with Aretha Franklin’s “Natural Woman”. We end up with people dunking on upset people that don’t exist.
    In the CoonYe vs Whitelick, even in his years long anti-Black phase, CoonYe will still appeal to Blackness when he feels like he needs some people on his side! I think if Jason Whitlock was choking and a Black person tried to give him the heimlich, he’d use his dying breath to call the police on them.

  3. bamil73

    I forgot to mention Jason Whitlock in my previous comment. Or should I say my previous coon-ment. Those coon puns were fabulous. That dude is cooneriffic, an icoonoclast if you will.


  4. bamil73

    The situation with that actress bumping Viola Davis and Danielle Deadwyler from the best actress race, illustrates why I don’t follow the Oscars anymore.

    I used to believe that Oscars were picking the best for the most part. Yeah, they had racial blind spots, but they were picking the best performances, directing yadda yadda. Then over the years I learned that people actually campaigned for votes. At first I thought that meant they campaigned to get their movies in front of voters so they would have a chance. Yeah, that completely logical, you could have the most well made movie in the world but if none of the voters see it, it means nothing. Then I got to understand that it wasn’t just about getting the movies in front of voters, it was about actually campaigning for votes. Schmoozing and flattery etc etc. The actual movie is just the first part, the campaign is the second more important part. After I learned that, it just made the whole spectacle seem pointless as a celebration to reward artistic achievement.

    With that in mind I have started to wonder why “artistic integrity” only apply to niggas. The most egregious example of this was Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. We all expected Chadwick to win because, not only had he just passed away tragically, but he gave a powerful tour de force performance in that movie. Yet they gave it to Anthony Hopkins because of “artistic integrity”. That documentary “Was That Black Enough for You” only underscores my point of view.


    The fact that the academy didn’t give Endgame a best picture oscar win underscores the point even more. How is stringing together of 300 different movies and storylines into one coherent and riveting conclusion not the biggest achievement in movies for that year? Nigga.

  5. ginagate

    Ya’ll’s commentary on Jason Whitelick (I couldn’t wait to tell my husband that one!)’s coonery was ::chef’s kiss:: . I was rolling at the coon puns and the stats discussion! Brilliant.

  6. brooklynshoebabe

    Rod, you was in your motherphucking bag with that Jason Whitlock segment. The amount of times you fit coon into another word was chef’s kiss. I was laughing so hard, my stomach hurt.

  7. ApiafromGermany

    I think Britney Spears isn’t well and never was.
    Maybe her father wasn’t nice but she needs some kind of help to live.
    I am a stan for no one. I like some people but I’m realistic, they are just human.

    Rod and Karen are the closest I’m ready to stan, because I think they are generally good people with good hearts , but you see how I’m still arguing.

  8. ApiafromGermany

    I don’t have imposter syndrom ( anymore?)
    And I’m an other here in Germany, with no family connections or family wealth and being from Poland was seen as inferior for sure and I felt it in the past. Now now one says anything negative about it, but when I was younger and new at speaking German was for example told ( for a summer job) “I can’t hire you, you sound like from a refugee camp and that’s bad for business “
    I know many white women who have imposter syndrome.
    At this point I think live is random, you can as well try and if you don’t get it you will survive.

    But of course I don’t live in the US as a black person so these are only my experiences here.

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