A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2668: Unsweetened Iced Tea

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Sean

    To clarify: Karen mentioned the 1-child policy as a question (37:50 on YouTube) after which Rod said “They did for a long time…” (37:56 on YouTube). Whereas Rod usually corrects Karen on this issue, in this case he did not.
    Y’all gaslighting me, making me think I misremembered, but I’m not bitter…

    Growing up in the summers in South Carolina, I only drank sweet tea growing up, but now living in Japan I enjoy a wide variety of sweetened and unsweetened teas. When I do get back stateside, I do enjoy a little bit of that Southern -make your teeth fall out- iced tea.

    Also, Black Summer. Really good show. I watched it a while back based on Rod’s recommendation, and it is really good.

  2. ginagate

    I’m (apparently the only!) one who voted for unsweetened tea! I’m diabetic, so it’s not really by choice. That said, sugar might not be in my tea but it’ll NEVER be in my grits.
    Since I trust y’all’s recommendations I started watching Black Summer — it’s solid! And it’s got audio description so I’m able to enjoy it fully. I’m still only going to listen to it during daytime because i’m a scaredy cat though.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    Most times I read quotes I have to roll my eyes.
    There are several reasons for that. Often I think, you just want a famous person appear to be on your team and they can’t do anything about it. Like when business people quote civil rights leaders.
    Or the quotes are somehow without sense but because a popular person said it, it’s just accepted. Just because someone famous said it, it doesn’t have to be true.
    Or when I read in my former car shop quotes by Virginia Woolf and Oscar Wild. It was just a weird fit. I imagined those two in this Vw shop giving life lessons to the mechanics and it was strange.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    About white trash:
    I meant that using it was racist to non white people but wasn’t sure anymore why but it was what Rod said. I will only call people trash from now on. I dont want to discriminate.

    I watch no movies besides Pixar or Disney movies with the kids.
    We watch series because I have only max 1h watching time a day. That’s the price for “having it all ” I guess! ( job, kids, exercise every day, a dog, and so on. ) so it’s fair. Good that podcasts exist so i can at least know the movie titles.

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