A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2672: Chicken Roping

Rod and Karen discuss the Super Bowl, Super Bowl ads, Rihanna’s halftime performance, shooting down UFO’s, Britney Spears’ friends wanted an intervention for her, Biden doesn’t do interview before Super Bowl, Surgeon General warns 13 is too early for social media, White People News, mask man robs store of cigarettes, Florida man kills man for peeing on a building, man steals animals from the zoo and sword ratchetness.

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  1. SymSymma

    Hey y’all!
    I am also confused by the continued the hype around Jack Harlow. I keep waiting to learn that he has a fabulously wealthy family and connections, but maybe DJ Drama is keeping him afloat.

  2. CheyenneKnew

    Hey y’all!

    I came in to weigh in on the social media convo. Im 25 and I was introduced to social media in 5th or 6th grade. I currently have a 15 year old sister on Instagram.

    I do think 13 is too young* to be online.

    My first social medias were MySpace and quizilla . MySpace was dangerous bc “friends” were important and 12 year old me should not have been able to be in a cyber relationship with an unknown stranger. My mom gave me permission to create an account and we used her email but that didn’t do much. My working single mom was NOT checking every email about bulletin boards and top 8s.

    Quizilla was similar to ao3, fanfics and original stories and a LOT of “smut” or lemon as it was called back in the day .

    Tumblr is weirdly the most appropriate site I used. It’s pretty anonymous and I followed humor blogs, but porn started to pop up around age 16. I think popular blogs were selling their usernames at this point.

    *I think Facebook could be fine, if you have family connections. I joined at 12 years old and I think having my aunts and grandma as friends “kept me in line.” I mostly used it to tag my best friends in cute pics and post song lyrics.

    These are my opinions as someone who’s used social media since I was 10/11. It wasn’t all bad but it wasn’t all good either. I’d say 15/16 is an OK time to have a personal social media account.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    I only heard about the dog shit attack from you and it seems to be a pretty big thing!
    The paper the critic is writing for is pretty legit.

    In Germany is way harder to fire someone who has a steady job but even in Germany there are some limits and I would say this seems like one.

    About kids and social media:
    It’s absolutely not something to be taken lightly but also I don’t think just forbidding is the solution. My older kid is 10 and has 0 interest in it yet but if or when she wants I would try some “let’s try one where we both have access to and see how this goes”
    I gave her a cell phone already, one with parental control and she can only text with the family ( grandparents and aunts)
    I also talked to her about pictures, what ok and what’s not. Let’s hope my approach is the right one for us. For now it works very well and she is very trustworthy.

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