A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2692: Brought To You By Tubi

Rod and Karen are joined by Vincent Williams and Len Webb of “The Class of 1989 Podcast” to discuss their podcast theme, Black films, magical negroes, The Oscars, white saviors, different perspectives on Black films, how they met, streaming vs going to the theater, their critical influences and what their next project might entail.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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  1. EvieE

    Very insightful show and great guests.

    Tubi movies are so horrible they’re hilarious. Most of them are shot on iPhones and the actors are usually someone’s cousin or Pookie down the street. Do you think you’ll ever a spoiled movie review or a regular show about the best of the worst on Tubi?

  2. trey_swindu744

    Sending a big thank you to Rod & Karen for having the brothas from the Class of 1989/ Micheaux Mission podcast on the show. This was a great way to get introduced to them. I’m so glad more folks are finding out about Oscar Micheaux – dude was definitely ahead of his time and one of the earliest black renaissance men.

    I always joke that if black Hollywood were to ever to do their own Oscars they should be named after him . The Micheaux awards! Thanks again Rod & Karen for another great episode!

    Peace god lol ,

    Sorry I’ve been watching that Wu tang Hulu show too much lol

  3. JB_from_Harlem

    Five stars. Excellent show. In 1989, I was a Junior in high school. I skipped school to appear in the Fight the Power music video for the film Do the Right Thing with Public Enemy. That movie’s impact that summer. Dinkins was running for mayor when they declared a state of emergency because they believed Black people would riot after seeing the movie.

  4. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars for the entire episode! Come through with the Black Film History (in my Karen Morrow voice)!

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