A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2710: Fauxcasian

Rod and Karen are joined by comedian JL Cauvin to discuss his latest stand up recording, shoulder surgery, leaving stand up behind for good, Burger King closing stores, Nick Cannon says he’s not a deadbeat dad, Clarence Thomas grifting, secret white woman uncovered, White People News, ex-teacher auctioning herself off as a surrogate on OnlyFans, parent tries to run over students at track meet, woman hands out porn pamphlets and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

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  1. JLCauvin

    Wow. So I am a guest and no Apia comments? (insert Wee Bey gif followed by Denzel Training Day gif!)

  2. EvieE

    It’s a shame about Burger kings closing 400 stores. You know what’s not closing? Arby’s. As a matter of fact they’re building one a few miles away from me so now I don’t have to drive as far to enjoy their delicious beef and cheddar sandwiches and jamocha shakes, they have the meats. And when I go there’s always a line. You’re just a hater Rod who can’t appreciate the bounty of meaty goodness.

  3. RBW

    Long time listener, first time commenter. Love the show. I just subscribed via the corona special cause ya’ll have now gotten my non-podcast listening husband hooked on your spoil move reviews. So much so, we’re going to see Guardians for the 2nd time this weekend, i’m pretty sure we’ll go for a third. Keep doing what you’re doing. Glad to finally be a subscriber

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