A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2715: We Buy Many Guns

Rod and Karen discuss the Marvel Super Heroes Exhibit, fungus outbreak linked to cosmetic surgery, TSA facial recognition, guns stolen from parked truck, White Boy Rick arrested, LGBTQ News, Mena Massoud deletes Twitter after shading The Little Mermaid, Tate Reeves declares confederate heritage month, thrown beer can leads to fatal shooting, woman pregnant with cocaine, man runs over homeowner and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

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  1. SymSymma

    Mena Massoud is going to mess around and end up getting bumped from the sequel (IMDB has a sequel in pre-production). The actors in the Broadway play are amazing and could slide right in that slot. I’ve seen it twice and they were great!

  2. EvieE

    I can’t be the only one who thought about The Last of us when you read the story about the fungus outbreak during plastic surgery. Damn now I gotta start stocking up on canned goods and find a bomb shelter for the coming zombie apocalypse.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    The anti trans legislation suggests that an army of trans people is running around bothering people. Unless it’s really different in America, I never had any issues with a trans person living my life and I get around a lot ( with my job) and have kids. It was literally never even the slightest problem.

  4. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five stars for shouting out Gender Affirming Care! Good episode!

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