A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2719: Occam’s Racism

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Whilenooneslooking.

    Hi, the previous comment was my unfinished the first draft.

    Many African Americans in the North are the people or the descendants of people who left the South. Along with nostalgic memories there are tragic memories too. Lost property, threats of violence, and actual violence are all part of the Great Migration story. Those family stories might not paint factual picture of the South but an emotional one. I’m 56 years old and I remember my mother telling me and my brother Logically, a small town in West Virginia is safer for an 8 and 10 year old than the South Bronx in the 1970s but in her mind it wasn’t. I think believing you are safer in one area over another is a form of denial that many people use as a coping mechanism.

    Thanks for letting me share my thoughts,

  2. Whilenooneslooking.

    The South and trauma

    Many African Americans in the North are the people or the descendants of people who left the South. Along with nostalgic memories there are tragic memories too. Lost property, threats of violence, and actually violence are all part of the Great Migration story. Those family stories might not paint a factual picture of the South but an emotional one. I’m 56 years old and I remember my mother telling my brother and I about Emmett Till before she put us on the Greyhound bus from New York to visit our Grandparents in the South. Logically, the small town in West Virginia where she grew up is safer for an 8 and 10 year old than the South Bronx but in her mind it wasn’t. Fear can also irrational and illogical and I think many of the South

    Thanks for letting me share my thoughts,

  3. Sean

    I think you are too hard on Shaun King… I mean he provides an invaluable service. For those that want to feel the megachurch grift without the time it takes to go to those garish sermons…
    Shaun King serves that community, and he does so prodigiously. Without him, his followers would still be losing their money, but they will lose their time as well…

  4. ApiafromGermany

    When it comes to online outrage I always wonder who wants me to be outraged and why. Most times it’s to make me engage more with some kind of media.
    Luckily I never engage in online fights. And I’m a person who can get angry in real life. But fighting online gives me no satisfaction. One good response is the one I borrowed from Keith: ” lots to think about, thanks”
    ( I added the thanks)

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I seem to be the wrong kind of white woman, because when I cry, no one pays me. I tried! Is this only working in the US? Here, no one cares.
    Absolutely no money comes in when I do.

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