A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2728: Double Juneteenth

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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1 Comment

  1. ApiafromGermany

    My parents help us with the kids a lot snd I’m thankful but now that we have kids I understand them honesty less.
    I was an only child and we have two. My parents did put a lot of pressure on me and now, as mother myself I wonder why. That I was the best in school was extremely important to them and their love felt conditional. More achievement, more love. Yes i was in therapy to work on this. With my kids of course I want them to have success in school but my love for them is always there and if they are the best or not isn’t important to me. Its not like the kids who act like little robbots in a school have the most fulfilling life later or even the most sucess at work. That kid is just the best rule follower. When something goes wrong we are way more relaxed than my parents, the grandparents of the kids. The kids are aware of it also, they pointed it out multiple times. I think I admire the fact that your parents seem to know you as a person and are interested in what you are interested in Rod.

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