A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2743: White People Slang

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

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  1. trey_swindu744

    My contribution to the best “white slang” suggestions:



    Anything that actor who played Captain Harris in those old Police Academy movies use to say lol

    “Why don’t you kiss my rosy red ass Mahoney!”

    “ You are “D” Squad; “D” for “dirtbags.” When I say: “Hey, dirtbags!” that means you. ”

    etc . Lol


    • trey_swindu744

      Another white slang saying:

      “Freakin scumbags!”

  2. HvyWght

    In regards to white slang, “Wang Dang Doodle” is absolutely Black! It came from a song written by Willie Dixon and sang by Koko Taylor in 1960. Also, missed opportunity for “You and what army?!”

  3. Sean

    Listening to your peculiar foreign foods discussion I had to say a little in defense of sea urchin…
    Before that, beef tongue is okay, here in Japan it is most commonly found at yakiniku (Korean BBQ) places where you cook your own meat. It’s a great starter because it has high fat content meaning that it will oil up the grate to prevent the redder meats or meats in sauces from sticking to the grate.
    Now, back to sea urchin. Sea urchin is kinda like avocado in that if you get it at just the right time it is amazing, but there is only a tiny window for eating it. It is hard to recommend getting it just for this reason. However, if you are eating out and someone offers you some, take a quick whiff, If it smells like the ocean, say nah, but if it has almost no smell, it will be a genuine treat.

  4. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars, especially for the Wight People’s Slang. My brother enjoys hearing the Wights call each other “dude.”

  5. PamelaM8

    Got my live-stream ticket! I was going to gift a live in-person ticket, but it looks like the ticket would come to my contact information. Can you explain how I could get this ticket to you for distribution? Do I just forward the email?

    Thanks! Looking forward to it!


  6. IamSashaPierce

    Got my live-show tickets! And very much looking forward to seeing TGBWT live! I’ll be traveling to Charlotte from DC, so I’m making it into a mini-vacation. I’ll get to see a city I’ve been curious about for a while and also visit some family who lives in Charlotte! It’s gonna be a whole thing and I’m so freakin excited! Like with Beyoncé, I promised myself I’d have my money ready the next time y’all announced a live show. Well, I checked my bank account and lo and behold, I was ready y’all … which was a happy surprise to me … so I started booked tickets and flights. ✈️ Also, I respect your food opinions so if you could, could you offer a couple restaurant suggestions that are ‘must try’s’ in Charlotte in your opinions? Thanks and sending you two good vibes as you prep for the live show!

  7. ApiafromGermany

    You also think Shalewa should be your friend? I always think ” if we only could have coffee once, I’m sure, we would become best friends! We clearly have a vibe! ( we never had any personal interactions)

  8. ApiafromGermany

    After I you talked about the law in Saudi Arabia about women shouting, I tried to check this law out to see what it exactly says. I couldnt find anything about it at all. The closest was that swearing is forbidden, but not especially for women, it’s for everyone. So either this law doesn’t exist or it’s not a written law and so literally impossible to find.
    So I wonder how the 12,5% could know about it? I think those 12,5% heard something about women having less rights there. But not this specific example.
    So how could this woman who got punished know about it ?

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