A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2757: Ceiling Fan Babies

Rod and Karen discuss sneaking stuff into the movie theaters, update on the TikTok judge, watermelons are exploding, olive oil shortage, don’t throw you kids into the air around ceiling fans, TX woman charges with threatening federal judge, Target employee accused of racism for calling cops on flash mob, a 10 year old arrested for peeing in public and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

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  1. EvieE

    I wrote that I snuck a large pizza into the theater. I used a large ziplock back and stacked the slices inside of it and then put it in my bag.

    I used to follow that tik toker who accused the Target employee of racism because I like her music but from what I’ve seen of the video they were blocking the aisle and I doubt she asked permission. I’ve been in a flashmob in a grocery store before and the coordinator got permission first but it was too cumbersome to do it inside the store so we had to do it in the parking lot. I think the accuser was just triggered because she has been the target of racist attacks before because of her style of music. I just don’t think this was it this particular time around.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    ceiling fans are uncommon here, good for babies I guess!

  3. J-Full

    Those Mississippi cops were trying to get that little boy who owed outside, into the System. I bet even if the charges are dropped, they’re gonna keep his prints and shit on file. And now he got a “prior arrest” which police can try to use to justify fucking with him in the future. Disgusting.

  4. Mwangangi

    I was born in the latch-key era but before the clear backpack era which was the Golden Age of contraband. Adults expected you to live out of your backpack/purse all day so the trick was to be able to pack things in such a way as to pass inspection. Bonus for NY weather requiring outerwear for a majority of the year [to provide extra smuggling locations]. This food smuggling was also easily converted to boosting capacity if one were so inclined… or if one had a reading habit that you couldn’t financially support with teen resources…

  5. RoninRaphael

    I almost did a voicemail but I wasn’t trying to get too emotional for these streets. Still got tickets to Africa to sell. This tossing of babies took me back to an event that happened in 1939, all the way in Kumasi Ghana. A man who came to greet and celebrate with my grandfather on his first child turning one, tossed the baby up and missed the baby dropping it. The story claims that the baby was silent for a sec before bursting into screaming and the culprit ran into the bushes in panic. Now my grandfather was a senior police officer back in the colonial days, which meant you could be fucked by fucking up his first born (same as now). But after they had calmed and soothed the kid, someone brought it up that it might be a good idea to go find the guy who ran into the bushes, so he doesn’t attempt suicide. So a search party goes to look for him and at the same time yelling “we not trying to harm you, for real.” He was found the next morning, spent all night in the bushes. My mom was in her mid 50s when she told me the story in Nigeria, and the man who had dropped her as a baby was just living our house. She was laughing and I was idk but now it’s funny and makes sense why I rarely throw babies up but have thrown at least two 4 -6 years old into a ceiling fan. I broke the cycle!

  6. brooklynshoebabe

    Damn, I thought I bought wild things to the theater. lol. I’ve bought in mini bottles of wine, personal pan Pizza hut pizza, Popeye’s fried chicken and biscuits, candy, soda, chips… lol. Shut out to big purses, knapsacks, and cargo pants. lol I’ve passed these tricks down to my children. I’m mom of the year.

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