A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2763: Fantastic Frankey

Rod and Karen are joined by nerd commentator, content creator and critic Fantastic Frankey to discuss, how she got her name, her nerd origin story, being a Black woman in nerd spaces, social media nerd culture, deciding what to post and what not to post, how much work goes into her videos and critics vs influencers.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @FanboyFighter

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

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  1. Mwangangi

    Happy Anniversary y’all!

  2. EvieE

    I am a lot like Karen where as I embraced my nerdiness when I was older and now I’m a full fledged nerd who loves comics, anime and superhero movies. I think I’ve become pretty knowledgeable about anime especially one piece which is my absolute favorite. Being a woman who enjoys these things I’ve been nerd checked a few times by men. I remember being at a cookout and my cousin bought her new boyfriend who had two sons. I got to talking to the boys who were probably around 10 and 12 about anime because I was wearing a demon slayer tshirt. The conversation turned to one piece and I was explaining a scene to them and then their dusty ass daddy came over and told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and proceeded to quiz me and mind you I’ve caught up to the anime and the manga, watched tons of one piece content on YouTube so I know my stuff and knew far more about it than he clearly did. After I embarrassed him in front of his boys he told them it was time to go. I notice it’s not the young boys who nerd check women but grown ass men and it’s so pathetic.

    Really enjoyed this episode and the nerdy chat.

  3. Tommydeee

    Why has Zelda not been the main, mayn? It has been established that one of her versions does indeed have hands. In the N64 Ocerina of Time she Zelda is disguised as the character Sheik, a damn near ninja. Through the most of the game as Sheik she presents as a guy, saving Link’s bacon, giving him advice, playing a harp, then disappear like Batman. There could easily a be Zelda solo adventure game.

  4. Mwangangi

    Frankey appears to be the nicest NYer while engaging with people who are on some straight up fuck shit. Couldn’t be me! I wish her all the patience and perseverance!

  5. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars. I have not caught a live show in a minute. Thank you all for Blerding out this episode!

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