A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2675: Union Talk

Rod and Karen discuss the live show, the WGA / SAG strikes, TNT Crane & Rigging accused of racism, Black woman says white people can’t comment on her page, woman stabs grandfather for telling her to take a shower, woman in “good vibes” shirt runs over 7 people, man charged with stealing 5k he found and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    Bill Mahr is an asshole and has been for a very long time. I think he actually understands the gravity of the writers plight but he doesn’t care because the strike is inconveniencing him. Thanks for breaking down what the strike is about. I was already pro WGA but I learned some things I wasn’t already aware of.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    The job “Rigger ”. It sounds like a trap. It even looks like a trap.
    I just looked it up, I didn’t know what it was.
    Is this a real job? Or some kind of trick?

  3. ApiafromGermany

    I understand the people who strike completely, the money is there, is just distributed in an unfair way. People who produce the product are struggling while the CEOs ( as far as I’ve seen all men) are getting super rich.
    We should save them from themselves. We see what happens to men who are becoming billionaires. Just look at Elon. They are not doing well.
    They don’t know what to do with themselves and want to fight in cages.

    I would still like to comment on this page even if I’m a white, genetically mostly Eastern European women.
    Please don’t take it away from me. My life is hard with the big Pharma and housework and other stuff. Not the hardest! I know!

  4. Mary

    Thanks for talking about the strikes. I live in LA, and it is impossible to escape it since you are basically only one person removed from knowing someone who is in entertainment – whether behind the scenes as a writer or grip or set design, or even your waitress who probably was a background person in a commercial spot. It is a huge part of the economy here so it will be interesting to see the far-reaching effects, including no red carpets for stylists to dress, hair and makeup people, restaurants/clubs losing business because there are no premier or screening parties. But while it is in Angeleno’s faces, I imagine for the majority of the U.S., Hollywood is very far removed, and with an image of Very Rich People living a fancy life. Nah. They shop where I do lol. And as for unions, during prior strikes the studios have been able to fall back on unscripted/reality content, but Bethenny Frankel is now trying to organize reality stars to also unionize, so that’s an added twist. All I know, is a lot of people who have entertained us and brightened our days are having a difficult time and are worried about an uncertain future — I hope something gets worked out.

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