A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2787: Too Old For the Club

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. EvieE

    Wisdom is knowing when you’re too old to be in the club. A good sign is when you wake up the next morning and everything hurts and you don’t recover from a hangover as well as you used to.

  2. reallydarkknight

    Dear Karen and Robert,

    It’s been a while since I’ve written in, but Apia has got me covered on that. She’s now my favorite commenter.

    Anyways, when Rod was talking about not liking live music, especially when you weren’t expecting it, I said to myself, “DIS. NIGGA. SPITTIN’!!!” Hate that shit! Karen chimed in about having to yell in people in the club and this is why I’ve been listening to y’all for almost a decade. You are truly my tribe…or we’re all just old.

    I guess I’ll have to write in in another year and a half.


  3. HustleNoFlow

    At homecoming, if I don’t go out early and hit happy hour and stay out, I’ll fall asleep on the couch and miss all the Friday activities. Had that happen before the pandemic, and I’ve been in the wind by 6p every year since (excluding the 2020/21, of course). That’s really the only time I go out to party.

    But I remember thinking 25-30 was too old to be in the club. Those folks needed to be home married somewhere.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    It’s getting even worse. I’m replacing black people now.
    And here is how. I applied for a new job in my company in July. It would be a promotion with more money.
    The process took forever and after interviewing with 4 Very important Pharma people I got the job.
    After I got it, I’ve seen a picture of the person who did the job before, and it was a black woman. She retired earlier, at the end of June , because she got seriously sick, and I didn’t know her. ( the company is really big and she was as it seems one of maybe 7 black people who work here, but at least she had one of the good jobs!)
    Still I’m sure some would call me part of the problem.
    I’m sorry! All I want to do is have a great career in Pharma, is this so much to ask? If someone else from the team retired instead of the black lady, I would have loved it! Chances for me to befriend her in a team of 8 would be pretty high with my natural charm and all! But of course not. No black friends for me, ever.

    • ApiafromGermany

      I wish good health for everyone btw, I hope she is doing better and enjoys her retirement and my new colleagues are staying healthy, and love and peace for everyone, Apia wants everyone to live his best live, my heart is open and as pure as it can be growing up in this society.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I tried to make my son look cooler so he can be friends with the cool black kid. But unfortunately we got one of the nerdy, introverted ones. Quiet, nice but not really the cool type. He is unfortunately not cooperating on my goal to keep at least the only black real life friend I have because of his “personality” or whatever. Disappointing.

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