A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2792: Steak Plantation

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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    I’m late to the this nonsensical idea of not taking your date to The Cheesecake Factory but I’ll juxtapose it to what you said about the woman eating those oysters, Rod. These content creators cease seeing their dates as human beings and might as well be a number at a deli. Telling her “fans” about how the Cheesecake Factory is bad is a chain restaurant was eye-rolling enough. Shit, don’t tell her that Houston’s or J. Alexander’s is also one, but that’s besides the point. It was the holier than thou, performative grandstanding that she on display that just rubbed me the wrong way. Was the acting as flat as The Room? Of course. She was bad, he was worse, but to then come on with another video and then say she was doing it as some form of empowering women, is why I try to keep these folks at Goro-sized length. You did it for you, lady, with your don’t talk to strangers looking ass. Something deep down is fucking wrong with them. To even then use your social media platform, just adds to the paranoia I have about this shit.

  2. EvieE

    Please don’t shorten the banter. I love it. Some of my favorite podcasts is filled with nothing but banter. It works obviously because of your chemistry and you’re granting the audience a glimpse of your life and making it feel like the time all the favorite cousins get together at thanksgiving to go for a walk after dinner to just shoot the shit. There’s a reason people keep listening because you’re obviously doing something right.

  3. brooklynshoebabe

    Just a random thought. If Apia isn’t the first person to comment, I’m going to have the German police do a wellness check. Lol

  4. RamseyDeeJenkins

    This entire episode was nothing but Shyts and Belly laughter! My favorite part was Doin It for the Gram-What is the fashion choice/style you regret the Most? Ya’ll showed up and showed out during the entire segment. I am a proud 80s baby!

  5. Deejay936

    I would shuck and jive at the Steak Plantation

  6. ApiafromGermany

    If I was visiting the US, I would go to the cheesecake factory, because we don’t have them here and that restaurant seems to have a big impact on pop culture.
    I would like to know how it is there.
    I know that they have a big menu and that Penny from the big bang theory was working there. Also I’ve heard people saying that the interior style from the Britney spinning videos was like the cheesecake factory. And of course now Ive heard that its not fancy enough for hot girls ? Well I’m a financially responsible ( still somehow hot) business woman. Good enough for me I’m sure. I’m not fancy.

  7. ApiafromGermany

    Ok, I don’t give up on having some real life black friends. I will still keep the hope that it will happen one day. People generally like me! I promise I’m likeable because I’m funny, I’m dependable, I get shit done and I’m generally reasonable! That’s what the other people say, not just me! I think those things are also attractive for black people so maybe it will work out one day. But I’m not bothering any of them. When I see a black person in my city, I make the effort to look extra friendly. Thats all! Hope I don’t look creepy like the joker or something.

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