A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2798: Keith Lee Coming

Rod and Karen banter about going to the ear doctor and getting a new iPhone. Then they discuss towns banning trick-or-treating for teens, Maine mass shooter had red flags, GM reaches agreement with the UAW, Biden admin gives more student loan forgiveness, 18 Lizzo employees write letters to defend her, voter suppression in Mississippi, Keith Lee sparks debate about ATL restaurant rules, Gender Wars: Joe Smith’s ex-porn star wife starts up OnlyFans, police dog attacks Black trucker, Jay-Z reflects on being the first rapper in the Songwriters Hall of Fame and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    My mom told me she turned away some big ass teenagers who tried to trick or treat at her house so she’d probably agree with the no trick or treaters over 13 rule but me on the other hand, I give out candy to everyone, I have so much candy leftover every year anyway so why not? What am I going to do with all that candy? Halloween is for spreading joy by giving out free candy. Also some food for thought there are lots of special needs kids and young adults who may cognitively function as young children so I don’t mind giving candy to the older kids regardless.

    Keith Lee had all of ATL in shambles. I really enjoy his videos because he seems like a genuine young man who has really helped a lot of small businesses. It’s so weird to me that people say he’s tearing down black businesses for talking about his actual experience and that some people think we shouldn’t speak ill of a business because it’s black owned. If the service sucks they need to do better. Just because it’s black owned and most of the customers are black, does that mean we don’t deserve good service? I hope Keith continues to do what he does and bless small businesses.

  2. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars for the passion you give every time you talk about Voting in the South.

  3. Karmenjay

    There was so much money and resources brought into NC and GA during the 2020 election, it was a beautiful thing. In NC, you could see the effort helping, but their gerrymandering is so strong. In GA, we saw how it worked for the senate race. However for the governor race, no matter what Stacey Abram’s did she couldn’t take the W., so instead she funneled it into the other elections. But, when we make these big strides the republicans go back to cheating and changing rules to insure a win. They’re like, “Can’t let them NINJAS take hold!” It’s really depressing.

    Second note, yooo Ink n’ Ivy is one of those spots that was all about vibes but a terrible dining experience. And I don’t know if y,all ever had the opportunity to visit The Mayflower restaurant. The one in Greensboro had a rules sign up that was like your food is going to take forever. You can’t leave. We expect payment.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    Rod , you said Bernie Sanders was from Maine, but as far as I, a foreigner know, he is from Vermont, or even he is from NY and was politically active in Vermont.
    Always happy to femalesplain,
    Apia from Germany

  5. Tommydeee

    All this time I thought people were talking about the AEW wrestler Keith Lee, but then I finally saw him and to be honest he looks like WWE’s Wes Lee which brings me to the real reason I am writing………folding chairs.

    As I was leaving a ‘rastling show (seeing a theme here) I was hit in the back with a metal chair by my block head friend. Lucky for me, and him, it had a padded seat so it didn’t hurt like it could have. That got me thinking of what are the diffrent power levels and stats of different kind of folding chairs? Steel chairs would seem to be the classic choice (+9pwr), but wooden church folders are a little weaker, but not by much the potental of blisters (+5 +3bleeding). Beach chairs have a frame but the seat area are cloth usually and folding bar stools have great reach. There should be a Final Fantasy-like weapon stat sheet for TBGWT official weaponised rump resters because there is such a wide variety of these things.

  6. GreenEyedBandit

    I have been a fan of Keith Lee on IG for a little while now. I love how he uses his influence to bring attention to smaller, sometimes struggling restaurants around Vegas that may have quality food but need help getting the word out. I honestly didn’t know he did reviews anywhere else until he started shaking the tables around the A.
    Not sure if you caught it, but the list of rules you read from? One rule demanded a certain gratuity for parties of 5+ people. But another rule for the SAME PLACE, said they don’t accept parties of more than 4 people?? As Karen what say, what is happening here?

  7. Mary

    Oh Karen, I too have small ear canals and have felt the sweet relief of getting wax flushed from my ear. Wow – it was a whole new world. I had no idea I was only using 60% of my hearing! Anyway, thanks for the PSA to keep our ears healthy!

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