A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2812: The Canceled Rack

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

Twitter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@rodimusprime⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@SayDatAgain⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@TBGWT⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. kristenT2617

    wanted to clarify my comment about the Matt rife situation. I 100% agree with you Rod. You hit my point on the head which is why I called it the “simp economy.” Matt Rife in no way has ever presented as a feminist. But a lot of women of a certain age were throwing him A LOT of credit that was not deserved in regards to feminism becaus, as you said, he’s not as garbage as other male comics. I’ve been listening to you and KATG for a long time, so I never thought he was super funny like that in terms of the comedians we get to hear and interact with in the podcast world. Anyway, love your stuff. Just wanted to confirm my agreement with you because he’s the furthest thing from a feminist

  2. J-Full

    Someone wrote in about going to the movies less this year and I just went to see Beyoncé’s movie here in Los Angeles. The tickets were $28 each for the 1pm matinee and parking was $20. A family of 4 is out damn near $150 before they even get to the concession stand! If I didn’t have AMC A-list I probably wouldn’t go to the movies at all.

    Granted prices in LA are insane and we gotta pay to park at the mall but yea ain’t no way the movie theater revenue is gonna return to pre-COVID numbers anytime soon.

  3. ClassicRandBLover

    My answer for the poll, although it is not an option is I Don’t Know. I have not been to the concession stand since COVID. There is no movie I want to see badly enough to risk it. Strangely, I have been to a few restaurants when family/friend functions required it, so hypocrisy, thy name is me.

  4. J-Full

    I just left my first voicemail (I think) and I have a new found empathy for folks who get cut off. I felt like I was talking like an auctioneer and I barely made it in under the wire. Whew

    Also, Apia has made me do a 180° on her black friend saga. I’m rooting for her like it’s the black-lorette.

    • ApiafromGermany

      This makes me happy!

  5. ApiafromGermany

    The friend saga continues!
    I texted her that we could, if she wants to, meet up after the 20th of Dezember, that’s when I’m off work. We could go for a walk, and she could bring her smaller child with her, that’s a good activity even if you don’t have a baby sitter.
    She said she is into it and that we should do it. I’m pretty happy. Besides everything else, I’m pretty busy and don’t have much time for new friends, but if this person already shares my hobby and seems super cool, that’s obviously great. The chance of a friendship developing here is a good one, because we see each other on regular basis in yoga and have the pharmaceuticals in common as well.

  6. ApiafromGermany

    As I said I have guilt and fear about money sometimes but I don’t have imposter syndrome, luckily. I’m very good at my job and I’ve seen many people who have higher positions than me and who are pretty bad at it and not especially smart and somehow don’t get in trouble.
    I think the higher you come, the more lots of people make excuses for you. The logic behind it is: “this person is on this Hight position, this must mean they are qualified, maybe we just don’t see the full spectrum.”
    I dont have self doubt about my capabilities.
    I’m really very smart ( of course, I listen to your show) and do work hard, also I’m funny and charming, co workers normally enjoy me a lot, I would want me as an employee.

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