A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2823: Jonathan Majors Guilty and the 2023 Porn Recap

Rod and Karen banter a social media workout influencer, the Famous Toastery Bowl, Sad movies and struggling through VR workouts. Then they discuss Jonathan Major’s being found guilty, Ziwe interviews George Santos, Netflix targeted ads, 21 Savage discusses Drake, the 2023 porn year in a review and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    I could care less if Kang gets recast or not because I didn’t think he was that interesting or scary enough as a villain, especially after Thanos who bodied the Hulk. Kang got outsmarted by Loki and Janet and you mean to tell me he’s the big bad of the next marvel phase? No thanks. I would love for Marvel to focus on getting the x men and the fantastic 4 right.

    I can understand why hentai is so popular, anime already has those women with exaggerated bodies and a lot of people love animated characters. Plus hentai has storylines without the bad acting. Yes I watch it. Don’t judge me.

  2. C Baby

    If someone hasn’t done it yet, I think someone should make an image of all those guys together as Kang (Rod, Chris, etc included) with the caption: Oh I just can’t WAIT to be Kang!

    • Sean

      I woulda gone with “It’s good to be the Kang… but I group up on Mel Brooks…

  3. ApiafromGermany

    George Santas is obviously a bad apple but what he said in that interview was 100% true. And he let Ziwe look bad.
    I’m glad that you don’t give a platform to terrible people. Thats one of the reasons I really like you.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    Thank you for providing more educational content and a competent commentary! I feel prepared for possible conversations on this topic now.

    • ApiafromGermany

      About the porn I mean.


    Definitely had to chime in on that porn wrap up! It was hilarious. I have 2 questions,
    What is the cut off for these wrap ups
    Like porn hub and Spotify? And secondly, what is the difference between ebony and black in the category section.

  6. DizzyLizzyGyal

    Now see, Rod read my mind because as soon as Karen said the exercises were helping her, I opened a notes app to write down homies name!

  7. brooklynshoebabe

    I’m so excited. When I saw the episode title, I gave a little clap because I’m always fascinated by the year in porn wrap up. You may not agree with me, but this is the best year end wrap ups. LMAO.

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