A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2834: Good Faith Everything

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    Im glad that I’m not a celebrity when it comes to my relationship. My relationship ( established in 2006) is overall pretty good but surprise, not perfect. We did never have the big, big problems, there was never cheating or abuse or dishonesty with money. I love my husband and find him attractive and he says the same about me. We are doing pretty great financially and have pretty cool kids. What more could anyone want, you might ask. Mr Apia is a real introvert and so I can choose if I’ll wait until he brings up an issue that has to be solved, an emotional one or a project in the house, it doesn’t matter ( and it’s very possible he never does, I once waited 10 years for him to take care of a project in our basement and he never did, so I had to do it eventually ) or I’ll do it ( again)
    I’m unfortunately not a mind reader.
    His normal mode is not to communicate.
    So you can imagine the problems. I start asking open questions to get the communication going, he gives me short answers to make the conversation die. If you don’t have kids and real estate together , you could just say, ok, if you don’t talk, we don’t talk. Unfortunately this is not an option here. We have to communicate to find for example common ground about how to deal with something that came up with the kids, because a teacher for example needs a decision from us. I suggested of course therapy for him in a nice way to make it easier for him to start conversations. He sees that it would be good but he doesn’t try to find a therapist possibly because he would have to talk to someone to achieve that. Haha.
    If I was famous or Mr Apia, there would be possibility to take pictures of us when we are both pissed off. Or to get some quotes from me that are bad and put them out of context. Getting quotes from him would be way harder, it would be funny to see the host try and only get the same short answers always get.

    • ApiafromGermany

      I know that Rod also identifies as an introvert. But you can talk about your feelings and motives in a great way Rod and start conversations. So I don’t know. Do I have to find an other word for Mr Apia, maybe he is a non-communicator? A stand-by mode lover? What is it?

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