A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2842: Planes With Seasoning

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. RamseyDeeJenkins

    I just wanted to say I saw Rod on Karen Hunter via YouTube today. The clip title was “Why Native Land Pod” Getting a lot of Heat—great discussion between you and Ms. Karen Hunter.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    The talk about submission or what not is so foreign to my life.
    Mr Apia and I both work and try to share the household stuff somehow, same with taking care of the kids or managing money stuff. When I have to work on Saturday, like this week ( a medical convention) it’s clear that he will take care of the kids. Same the other way around. We both have demanding jobs and try to keep the show running from morning to evening somehow with everything that is coming up in life. Life is so complex, we need two equal players ( us) to make it. When one of the players can’t be here because of work, the other one has to step in. It’s of course lots of work, but be are financially independent and I didnt loose any rights or career opportunities since I’m a mother ( my parents are also helping us with the kids, for their generation they are pretty progressive and are happy that I have a career and my own money) and I wouldn’t want it another way.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    I know that I as a white lady from Germany am not an expert on hip hop.
    Just in case I ever write about this topic again, it’s always in the back of my mind. But it’s specifically Drake for me. I can appreciate new music, and new hip hop by other artists. I make an effort to at least listen to 5 new artists a year or so, to not become a grumpy old lady who says “ in my day, there was real music!” At least yet. And I want to impress my kids with at least a basic understanding of what is cool today.
    When Drake got famous, for that reason I tried to listen to his music multiple times, because I wanted to know what the cool kids are into.
    Every time I tried, I drifted off, and after 30 seconds I was thinking about my to do list or what email I should answer and wasn’t listening to the music at all anymore. Tried again, to the same effect. Magical.

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