A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2857: Roofless Beard

Rod and Karen discuss Mo’Nique-Gate, AOC defends Biden’s record, Bey and Tay Tay might work together, a new dating app based on credit scores, Black man against the Black national anthem, Country music station draws ire of the BeyHive, teacher loses job over OnlyFans, Who News, woman wrongly declared dead, city manager resigns over BUI, a woman throws grits on mom and sword ratchetness.

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  1. Angela

    Hey Rod and Karen,

    I have recently become a Bey fan. I have always liked her music here and there, but starting with Lemonade and the Black is King project (which the internet hated for some reason), I slid on all the way over. Her intentionality, study, planning, artistry, and compassion (which some Twitter warriors complain about – “She don’t have no 9 to 5! She is trying to make money off of people.”). I love when a Black woman can be in control as much as she can in this country/world. So many of my family (we are Black and raised in Georgia) love and grew up with country music. You can bet we had certain Black country singers and Dolly and Kenny Rogers on repeat. I was lucky to be taught the history of the banjo, and square dancing (the dance has deep Black roots even though racist Henry Ford thought it was only a white art that he could use to fight the influence of Jewish people. He is why many kids of my generation had to learn that dance style in elementary school. Of course they left out that the call and response was created by enslaved Black folk).

    White folks used the banjo to make fun of us in minstrel shows, but of course, they loved the sound of it so much, that they started to incorporate it into “their music”. All “modern” (country, jazz, blues, bluegrass, rock, metal) American music has Black roots and people have been taught that we were never there.

    I love Bey’s two new singles. The sounds of those songs are the sounds of country that I grew up with. It’s very traditional. There was a time when if you used an electric guitar in country, you “weren’t country”. Now I hear country that sounds like rap. If Post Malone can do country with face tats, and Tay Tay can do pop, Bey can sing country and sing it brilliantly. All I need now is a Dolly and Bey collab and a Bey and Tay Tay collab or maybe all three on the same song.

    A white listener called into the Karen Hunter show and couldn’t bring himself to explain why Bey can’t do country music or be considered a country artist. He could not admit that country equals a white person in his brain. These angry white folks are showing once again that all they have is their whiteness and their perception of what makes them white and supposedly superior. The paranoia and insecurity are high. A pox on John Schnieder’s Aryan house for comparing Bey to a dog. As always they demand that we stay in the lanes they have designated for us even though we created most of the “lanes” in this country.

    Bey said and we know it, “Being black, maybe that’s the reason why they always mad
    Yeah, they always mad, yeah. Been passed ’em, I know that’s the reason why they all big mad And they always have been”.

    Thanks for reading my rant and for discussing issues with such care.


  2. R_tick_chick

    With Monique, I’ve never begrudged her for advocating for the things she is owed. I don’t agree with her methods for two reasons. One, because she says extremely hurtful things that she doesn’t mean. Two, because she claims she doesn’t play the Hollywood games but it seems like she doesn’t mind when other people to play the game on her behalf.
    However, I completely disengaged after the whole thing w DL Hughley’s daughter (and I typically dislike his content, as well). Monique’s video response as well as her sharing those text messages make her public persona look worse. I hope their family can eventually come to some sort of resolution but it’s all very sad.

  3. EvieE

    What I find kind of egregious and triggering about Monique’s responses to her son is that she let her Daddy do most of the talking and the only thing she brought up in the first video is that Sydney can’t be his daddy because he already has three sons. Mind you Monique has two son from previous relationships and Sydney had one son from a previous relationship and they have two together. As someone bought up by a man who isn’t my bio dad but is my father in every sense of the word, that would kind of hurt me to know this man I’ve known all my life doesn’t consider me one of his. I guess he’s no Russell Wilson. But still to claim his reason is because he knows Sharon’s father is stupid. The same father Monique herself labeled abusive in her book? I need these people to be so for real. And then to bring up this young man’s mental health? Just wow. All those text messages did was prove Shalon’s point. Money doesn’t compensate for love and time. The more that’s come out the more it seems Monique would rather be right than to have a relationship with her son and that’s just sad. I see her as Queen of the Pick Mes. She let a man be a detriment to her career and her child.

    They sure buried the lead on that Only Fans story. When I saw it online I thought they put the wrong picture up because what did Rachel Dolezal have to do with it but then I realized it was her. That woman can’t seem to stay out of the news. How does she keep getting hired? Wasn’t she embezzling funds? I thought she was going to be a hair braider and now this? That’s how you know she’s a white woman. She keeps landing on her feet.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    But is there really a negative buzz? She will break all the records again, I’m sure and people if all races will gladly give her their money.
    Today I was with my kids at a hippie – ish farm where we hiked with lamas and alpacas. The very white, granola looking animal care taker and instuctor asked us if we already head the new Beyonce country song and that it was great. People love Beyonce.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Edit. Some might hesitate but like with the Borgs resistance is futile. If I was in charge of a radio station no matter if it was a death metal, techno or classic German Volksmusik themed, I would still play Beyonce.

  5. SuavyP

    Now I’m not one to cape for the white man… but with all the buzz going on with Beyonce going country, I couldn’t help but wonder…. how is this different than when Justin Timberlake went back into the woods? Hear me out… JT during the promo for the album put on that flannel; Bey had on that Woody from Toy Story hat at the Grammys and then the Dolly P platinum blonden hair at the Super Bowl. JT is from Memphis, Tennessee; Bey is from Houston, Texas. So I can’t help but wonder how is this different? I’ll be honest, I never understood the backlash JT got when he went into the woods. I guess because I see artist pivot all the time and I consider it part of them being an artist. I just know JT somewhere looking at all this attention Bey is getting and punching the air right now. Help me make sense of this brother Rod, sister Karen… Am… am I a coon??

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