A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2863: Tyler Perry and Mychal the Librarian

Rod and Karen discuss the walking path, Tyler Perry, Mychal the librarian resigns, a joke leads to the closure of an old wound for Rod, doing it for the Gram and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    I am not ashamed to admit that I’ve seen every single Tyler Perry movie and some are bad and some are really bad but no matter how bad they are I’m still entertained because I like them for what they are. I like those messy Tubi movies. Yep it’s me watching all the Tubi movies because they make me laugh and I know what to expect from them. I don’t watch Tyler Perry for high brow cinema, I watch to be entertained and to laugh at the bad wigs. And yes I watched his latest Mea Culpa. It was a hot mess and Travante Rhodes had a tragically bad wig but did I enjoy it? You’re goddam right I did. The only thing that surprised me about that movie was that no one got AIDS.
    The same people who claim to hate Tyler Perry movies are the same people secretly watching them because that movie has been number one on Netflix since it came out. And for so many people who aren’t watching they sure know the plots and characters better than the people who aren’t ashamed to admit they watch them.

    Mychal the Librarian is such a pure spirit. I saw his tik toks and they’re so wholesome. Some people are just super miserable and saw wild shit online they would never say to people in person.

    I’m so happy you got closure from Truck. That was really great you both got the closure to and incident that was heavy on your heart.


    Hey Rod & Karen. I don’t like Tyler Perry that much, I do like his mess occasionally. Film’s like his Acrimony, Madea films & even the mess that was Fall from Grace on Netflix was quite “must see TV” for both cinephiles & casual viewers looking to cook off a good time. Look, I know Tyler isn’t exactly a union or writer friendly person, given his reputation but let’s not forget, this mofo was homeless writing plays somewhere in New Orleans. Maybe, also, the reason this man don’t want to share the limelight with other writers, besides the fickleness of people, is because he did, in fact, work very hard for this vision. I mean, low-key, that “Gayle Battery” plot device, was a bit of a deep cut to Perry’s beginnings, for what it’s worth. I do plan on watching Mea Culpa. I can’t wait to watch it. I hope it’s as nutty, ridiculous & fun as 2019’s The Intruder was, which, shout-out to Deon Taylor & his particular brand of wonderful mess.

    I’m at a point in thid post-modern, social media era, where anytime I see black media being talked about in this pedantic, woe-is-me, “my feelings hurt” ass bullshit, I admittedly get angry. Not John Kavanaugh from The Shield but Cuba Gooding Jr-Boyz in the Hood angry. I know what uptight white people think of black shit, they either don’t watch it, get uncomfortable out of not hurting feelings or just discard it outright. Certain black people in film Twitter circle just sounds way too cool for this & as someone who grew up watching 80s-90s films like Imma get you Sucka, Trespass, Men at Work, Mo’ Money, I’m kinda offended, to a certain extent.

    I guess my thing is, if we want audiences to see our movies, but you’re going to shun the likes of Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, Kenya Barris, Deon Taylor who may not watch Steve McQueen’s Widows or A.V. Rockwell’s A Thousand & One (both were phenomenal films, btw, just making a larger point) then, what the fuck is the point? Seriously? If they’re going to be much harder on our shit & not something truly shitty as 2011’s The Help, directed by Tate Taylor or anyone else, then the only thing I got, at this point is a “fuck you” because you want it one way, which is “their way”. I mean, all of the black shit is here in all phases of entertainment. Issa Rae is killing it as much as she can & isn’t to where Tyler has made his empire. She’s done everything & is at her wits end now. I’m confident she’ll succeed but it’ll take time, as all things do. Her film The Photograph, directed by Stella Meghie that also featured Lakeith Stanfield was damn good & the people claiming to want a “non traumatic black film”, were nowhere to be goddamned found.

    It’s 2024. Support the art you claim to beat your chest about & not be fodder for MAGA, uncomfortable white people on black art, coons, etc.

    When you compare a Barry Jenkins’s Underground Railroad vs another show & say the former doesn’t have any trauma, yeah, you’re full of shit to me & I can’t see those folks any different than the people who claim to be woke. Because there’s something inside of you truly not allowing yourself to be free. See a shrink, therapist, he’ll get rid of Twitter & all of that anti-black poison. You don’t have to like Tyler or Deon. Nothing wrong but the length to make their impact not matter is offensive. Cicely Tyson, Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson, and so on. I know Elba had his brief bullshit with the black actor doing movies things & that was a moment in time that made him look like a fool, but he was in these & that’s ok. You’re not a failure, Elba. You did Takers, too & you’re doing fine. Anyway, I went on a long tangent on this & Rod & Karen, y’all have been onto something with this for a minute. For me, I’m just fed up with people lying to themselves about enjoying these films. Guess my “fuck it gene” hit overdrive at 36 years old. No regrets. Love y’all & take it easy.

  3. Shoebootie

    When Karen Be Knowing… and not knowing! She’s Schrödinger’s Karen.

  4. Keva

    Although you only mentioned him on passing, I laughed when you brought up our favorite Cajun chef, Justin Wilson.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I’m happy for you that you enjoy the couple walks!
    Of course you are able to talk anyway with each other, I with my introvert husband need them for conversations. I think the conversation goes better when you are walking and looking at the landscape.
    When you walk in your city, you always discover new streets of neighborhoods. Ok, maybe not of you city is only 5 houses or so. I enjoy being able to just stop and look at things without having to find a parking space. And some interesting things are only accessible for walkers. And all this fun is free.

    I often walk with my dog and listen to your podcast. In my opinion it allows to think deeper about the topics discussed.
    Ok, I stop now with the walking/ hiking propaganda. Or too many people will be healthier and happier for free and my beloved employer big Pharma might take a hit.
    ( ok, doubt it. Big Pharma will always find a way)

    • ApiafromGermany

      Propaganda for walks on a black podcast should be called walkcaganda.
      I’m so proud now.

  6. digal704

    The only reason I’m not watching it is because I don’t watch television. Music, reading and podcasts are what I do. I saw 2 movies this past year in a theater. First time in years. I do like Tyler and Kelly and get sick of the complaints about him. I watched several of his movies and stage plays. I know he ain’t avant garde but can black people just do what they want? If you don’t like him don’t watch.

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