A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2875: I’d Rather Laugh With You

Rod and Karen banter about debating online, Idiots in Cars, mutual aid online, and Kanye West’s wife. Kai Cenat vs Kanye, J-Lo sales low, “woke” people more likely to be unhappy, DirectTV gives subscribers a choice to cut local stations, Trump can’t post bond, Olivia Rodrigo backs out of abortion fund deal, Columbia Records sued for racism against white people, Shaun King raising money again, judge gets Super Extreme DUI, man sentence for trying to hire a hitman to kill his wife, naked man arrested at a nude beach and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    It’s really not worth arguing with people online because it’s a waste of time and some people will just say anything online because they have nothing else going on with their lives.

    I think JLo ticket sells aren’t great because her fanbase isn’t as big as she thinks it is. I’m my opinion it could be that more people see her as an actress than they do a singer as it has come out that she’s heavily auto tuned and other artists like Ashanti and Christina Milian vocals were used as her voice on her first couple albums. The people are clowning her on tik tok especially about her new movie on prime. Ticket master could be a part of it but I think it’s her.

    Alexander Scamilton is at it again. At this point if anyone gives this fool money they might as well put a rob me stamp on their forehead. This man has scammed so much I’m beginning to think he just might be a white man. There’s a podcast I listen to called Scam Goddess that dedicated an entire episode about him and I just don’t understand how he keeps getting away with it.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    I seem to have an interesting pattern of media consumption.
    I don’t go to concerts. Pretty much the same with movies.
    All in all it’s too much stress for me and also, too much time spend. Parking, all the people, the list goes on.
    I have the money but I’m not interested. I enjoy music by hiking in nature and listening to music by headphones.
    We don’t watch any tv since 2007 or so, so of course I don’t care about local news.
    But to not be completely clueless, I am in the local Facebook group for me city and was even asked to be one of the admins. That’s where I still learn about all the local crime.
    I also read the news in a serious online newspaper I pay for. We also have multiple steaming channels.

    I’m pretty happy with my media intake and never feel I miss out. I need, besides my work and family time, lots of time outdoors and time for yoga. I prioritize it over all other free time activities, because it makes me feel less stressed and my brain works better after.

  3. brooklynshoebabe

    I think the monopoly that Ticketmaster has on purchasing tickets is probably also adding to the drop in sales if for middle of the pack artists because it is very difficult to buy affordable tickets. Ticketmaster has legitimatized scalpers and “verified resellers” bots buy up all the tickets causing real fans to have to pay $200 for nosebleed seats, and the added tax and fees can add another 50 percent to the cost. It’s really an aggravating process.

  4. Shoebootie

    I thought it was curious that they were just handing out Plan B pills. I am all for accessibility for all sexual health items. But this is medication, this is a pill. When we say “we gotta protect the children” I’m not saying we need to protect them from ideas and reality, but if there’s kids being handed medications like that, it’s not appropriate. Not from a “this promotes promiscuity” standpoint, but it doesn’t seem wise to hand out pills to random underage people who might not have a lick of common sense to know what they’re taking. Maybe a better approach would be to give them a QR code they scan, input info to have samples sent to them if they are actually interested.

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