A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2877: Quantum Nachos

Rod and Karen banter about wearing TBGWT t-shirts in public, flower delivery windows, personal training adjustments, personal space in anime and losing people as you get older. Then they discuss using an app to replace driving instructors, homes are too clean to help our immune systems, Gen Z is not happy, first cousin marriage bill, Jonathan Majors facing new lawsuit, baller space restaurant, Who News, White People News, prankster suspended from school, arsonists goes off, drunk passenger arrested in airport and sword ratchetness.

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  1. bamil73

    This episode really fucked me up in the supermarket. Meaning, I was listening to it while I was shopping. You spoke on losing people and that really hit home. I recently lost my sister to a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She was in the hospital from a couple of days after Christmas for what we thought was a respiratory thing to two days before my birthday in mid January. We didn’t even know what it was until the autopsy. We’re only 2 years apart in age and it hit me hard. Especially since she was in Jamaica and I’m all the way on the west coast of Canada.

    There really is no blueprint to dealing with loss. I mean for about a month I didn’t even listen to TBGWT because I associated it with joy and anything that even slightly gave me joy just made me feel guilty because I didn’t feel like I deserved joy, cause I’m still here and she’s gone. That said, coming back to the podcast helped a great in helping me deal with the pain. So, you niggas shouldn’t sleep on how much you do, and how the energy you put in the world positively affects others.

    On another note, I have to confess that I’m not a “Head of the Sexuals” like that dude in one of the interview snippets from the previous episode. Me, I think I’m merely a supervisor or mid level manager at best in the Sexuals.

    Keep doing what you do.


  2. ajmartin22

    When I was learning how to drive over a decade ago, I had an instructor. One of my favorite experiences from that time was driving a Jaguar on the highway. After completion of the program, I was driving with my mother and that was a challenge for me because we had a manual transmission car at the time and I was stalling the vehicle because I couldn’t get the timing right on the gear shift and clutch.

    I would rather have an licensed instructor than an app teach me how to drive because an app cannot prepare you for real-life driving scenarios and having an instructor there to direct you sounds better.

  3. EvieE

    I saw that tik tok of the women getting milk dumped on them. It happened in Australia and apparently it was hot as fuck so imagine how that milk must have smelled when it was poured on them. They had a nice picnic set up on that boat at it was ruined by those assholes. And the boy crying about his life being ruined was a real dicktim move. A dicktim is someone who does a dick move and then pretends to be the victim.

  4. Tommydeee

    When I was learning how to drive last century my mom took me out once. We drove for less than 2 minutes then she started to freak out. Screaming and grabbed the wheel she almost made us crash while there were no other cars around us. She kept repeating “I can’t do this, I can’t do this” I just walked home. Talked to her later and she admitted that she looked over and just saw me as a baby. Adorable lil’ me in a diaper reaching up for the steering wheel not able to touch the peddles. Wasnt long till i got a driving teacher. This is one of the many reasons
    why we need real driving teachers and not this app nonsense.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    We have a dog and are outside a lot. The dog also provides enough dirt to keep our immune system working. As I said on a previous comment, I prioritize outdoor time and spend at least 1.5 houtside every day, alone by walking the dog. I highly recommend it , it seems to help to keep the kids healthy. They are almost always healthy and I as a child was inside a lot and also sick a lot.

  6. Shoebootie

    Karen, you got me in my feelings now. All forms of grief and how we approach it shapes us. We have to experience the feelings of sorrow but we can’t live in it forever. I know that little circle photo of grief you mentioned, and it resonates a lot with me. It’s always there, apart of you, but it’s not all of you.

    I lost a friendship within the past year. My best friend, my person. When discussing this with others and talking about the grief of it, I said “this is worse than every romantic breakup I have had combined.” Platonic love and loss really can be as heartbreaking as a divorce.

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