A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2882: #TeamKaren

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Karmenjay

    FlixChik here responding to my Doing it for the Gram response about “trying something new.” My Friends and Family members knew I was friends with this guy and he was interested in me, but I wasn’t feeling him on that level. But against my better judgement I went with their advice and dated him and was filled with fights and a lack of trust (not in him cheating or anything, but oddly enough my safety/protection with him). I’m a black woman and he was the epitome of D White Man. So it was always an elephant in the room that I couldn’t ignore. So my ass exploited it constantly. Yeah… definitely not down with the trying something new if my intuition knows better.

  2. EvieE

    I had a question, have you two watched the Rick and michonne series the ones who live? It was a short six episode series and was wondering if you’d review it. Maybe not six episodes or just one big recap or if not if you ever got around to watching it would love to hear your thoughts in general even if it’s just included in your banter segment.

    Also when you guys were talking about out of pocket interviews and mentioned the people standing in line for shoes, I think there’s one interview that tops that one. Remember that interview in mobile Alabama where they interviewed some people in the hood about leprechaun sightings? I laughed so hard. Especially the part where the brother said he had a leprechaun flute passed down from generations. That was a classic


  3. HustleNoFlow

    Hey, y’all should give that new Arby’s BLT on Hawaiian bread a shot. It’s good.

    • EvieE

      With the brown sugar bacon? Of course I’ve tried it and it was so good. They have the meats.

  4. TanyaW42

    While I try to stay cool when I encounter celebrities, if I ran into Peter Weller I don’t know if I could stop myself from saying, “Oh wow, Buckaroo Banzai!!”.

    • Karmenjay

      Wow!!! Not Robo Cop? I bet he appreciated that shoutout instead of Robo Cop.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    The German directness can absolutely be hurtful sometimes! Sometimes it’s amusing, sometimes it’s nuts. I keep my judgment to myself about people’s appearances for example unless I’m seriously asked by them. It’s best. Overall, expect more directness when visiting Germany. But the upside is, when you get a compliment about anything, it’s pretty surely sincere.

    • ApiafromGermany

      My daughter is friends with a girl who has an American mother.
      She said, when she says something is OK, she tries to communicate that something is like a C minus in school grades. Germans, being so cautious with praise understand something OK to be a B plus. It’s just the way it is. I’m used to it.
      I wouldn’t say it’s my culture because I don’t even know for surewhat my culture is.

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