A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2887: White Boy

Rod and Karen banter about valuing experiences, the Good Times animated show, the WNBA draft and a sign at the doctor’s office. Then they discuss the death of OJ Simpson, all the rappers vs Drake, Ciara posts on IG about wanting to lose baby weight, Best Buy laying off the Geek Squad, FBI opening investigation into Baltimore bridge collapse, Disney Plus adding channels, DOJ filing antitrust suit aginst Live Nation and sword ratchetness.

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  1. Shoebootie

    Karen, if you loved your facial experience and wanted to try a body scrub… you should try finding a good Korean spa! There is one near me and it is an amazing, relaxing experience. The full body scrub gets every single cell of dry skin off of you. I feel like an entirely new person after that. The saunas, pools and spa services at the Korean spa is my favorite pampering place.

  2. EvieE

    I watched all ten episodes of Good Times as well because I wanted to give it a fair shot. And honestly it wasn’t for me. I don’t even understand how it was connected to the original Good Times because in the series finale of Good Times the Evans family got out of the projects. I digress but I think my biggest issue with this show is that it just wasn’t funny. And not because of its many problematic troupes. I still enjoy a lot of problematic shows like the Boondocks and the Cleveland show but this show focused more on the stereotypes and less on the jokes. I wouldn’t recommended this show to anyone but I encourage people to form their own opinion about it.

    I think the rap beef is pretty interesting because a few weeks ago Meg the Stallion referenced Drake’s plastic surgery as well and basically told all the rappers dick riding Tory Lanz to do a conjugal visit and Drake was definitely one of them. And Drakes response to her was to post an IG story that said free Tory Lanz was which proved her point. So that’s a L in my opinion. So Meg is winning the rap beef because he hasn’t said anything about her since.

    I give that gender wars a 2 out of 10. Low energy and clearly the man in it was in the wrong for being cheap for offering wings off the ground. There were ants crawling on those wings. And he called his wife Karen. That was so rude. I would understand if she ran him over.

  3. Julien3000

    I bet you didn’t lose weight, because you’ve also been working out and building muscle and that can play tricks on you while you’re still making progress to your goals – the scale can be misleading .

  4. ApiafromGermany

    I’m all about investing in experiences, one more upside is, you don’t have to organize them in your house in contrast to more stuff.
    We just were in a yoga retreat and the mantra singing will stay with me as an ear worm for a long time! If I want it or not! Gate Gate Paragate!
    By the way, one more plus, I have 0 body pain anywhere ( as an old)

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