A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2890: RapGate 2024

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. ajmartin22

    Hey Rod,

    I’m sure you didn’t talk about it on this show, but since I just got home from the hospital tonight, it was on my mind.

    I was in a similar situation regarding loved ones leaving me for dead to get something to eat! I was in pain on Tuesday morning. It went away later on in the day, but it came back with a vengeance on Wednesday afternoon while I was at work. It was all that I could do to make the drive home. It hurt so much!!! Unbeknownst to me, a tiny kidney stone was trying to work its way out of my bladder with painful results.

    I ended up being in the hospital for two and a half days. The day my procedure was scheduled, I couldn’t eat or drink after midnight. And the procedure wasn’t going to be until 3:00 pm. That didn’t mean anything to my mother though! She left me alone in my hospital room to make sure that she got a balanced nutritious breakfast! All the while I am writhing in pain. That also didn’t stop her from getting a delicious lunch while I was scrubbing myself down with chemical soap and getting bare-ass naked in this hospital gown. I know that she loves me and would do anything for me, but I guess food is more important to her!


  2. SuavyP

    Rod, you’re not talking crazy at all. Good Times is/was a “Comedy”. The laugh track is the dead giveaway. I wasn’t an avid watcher of the show but the little bit that I have seen, nothing about it screamed dark comedy, or dra-medy or anything of the sort. It may have touched on some more serious underlying topics, but that is no different than when Fresh Prince would occasionally touch on a heavier topic (i.e, WIll getting shot and Carlton getting a gun, Will saying “why doesn’t he want me, man??” (reference to his dead bead dad), etc). And no one in their right minds would consider The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air a “dark comedy”.

  3. Nourbese

    Yall. I was just minding my business on Saturday trying to catch up on the week….. I was like oh yay Rod and Karen going to catch me up on the rap beef. I wasn’t ready for Chris… The last line where he said bitch with the too short energy. I let out an audible gasp. I really feel like this is quavo’s kobayashi maru moment as in Quavo needing to learn who he is in defeat. Ain’t no way he coming back after this.

    Outside of cobra, this feels like one of the few diss tracks that the beat go hard, which is what I’ve been a little disappointed in with the other battle rack tracks. Which had me wondering what would be y’all’s top five diss tracks? And where you place weakest link in the rankings.

  4. Yaytoonday

    Rod was right…
    Regarding potty training boys… I consulted my husband who has a better memory than me in general, and a better memory regarding the children’s childhood. What can I say,…I was in the trenches in those years. I had 3 children in 6 years! He confirmed that the boys were trained sitting down but started modeling what he did, and that how they got to standing up to pee. I’m humbled once again, always thinking I’m right haha!

  5. ApiafromGermany

    The last week I wrote about plant medicine I wrote in before listening because I was afraid of what you might say. Sorry!
    I think we might agree overall.
    Pharma companies are companies so they do what benefits them. This is a fact. The studies are financed by the money made by sales of other products.
    But also how else could they keep existing. I often wondered if it was better if Pharma companies were state owned. I’m not sure. Sometimes a big clinical study is important for science but the product never comes because of the results are bad and it results in big lay offs. I experienced it multiple times and it gave me more trust in the process because you really can’t know the results before the study. This costs hunderts of millions of dollars. I can imagine if the state did it they would be problematic because it looks bad.

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