A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2891: Flip My Dildo

Rod and Karen banter about the NBA playoffs, Rod trying to stay consistent with rap beef rules and Karen’s ponytail. Then they discuss Jill Scott tweeting about Chris Brown, Meek Mill crashes his EV, Brian McKnight still hating on his original kids, Britain wants to crackdown on sicknotes, Terrance Howard suing CAA, Taylor Swift 1830’s lyric, Stephen A Smith discussing politics again, woman busted for seeking threesome, woman arrested for wheeling corpse into bank, vibrator flipper arrested and sword ratchetness.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    I pretty sure that I’m also an empath, I read a lot about it.
    I can feel emphaty for literally everyone and sometimes I can catch feelings from another person, mostly sadness, and feel them like my own. When I was younger I didn’t know what it was and felt depressed by those feelings from someone else. I always need to use emotional boundaries to some extent or otherwise I don’t feel the separation between my and another person.

  2. Shoebootie

    Jill Scott can go ahead and forgive and hold empathy for abusers in her life. That doesn’t have to apply to everyone though. There’s not blanket forgive-and-forget for harmful actions. I specifically can’t fathom forgiving someone like Brown who isn’t sorry and hasn’t changed behaviors. Citing how it’s the right thing to do as a Christian don’t land either – we’re not all followers of that colonial religious movement.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Exactly. If the victim chooses to forgive, it’s their choice. It’s not a must.

  3. EvieE

    Brian McKnight is trash. That he uplifts his step kids at the expense of his biological kids is sad. If I was the new wife I’d be concerned because any one who can do this to their former partners and biological children they can do it to you. Look at 50 cent, another trash ass nigga. He had been going in on his former baby mama and his bio son for years and his second baby mama stood by him. Now 50 is trashing her too. My advice to Brian Mcknights wife is take him for every dime you can get and run sis.

    Terrance Howard was so unserious rocking the Farrah Fawcett. But he did have some good points. I hope he wins his court case.

    Karen was correct about the prime minister in the uk being in the Conservative Party called the Tories and they’re trying to pass some of the same laws over there that the republicans are trying to get passed here in the US. Cue the Karen be knowing music please.

  4. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    I’m not British, but I’m pretty sure Karen nailed it on what party Rishi Sunak is in. His political party is the Conservative Party, also known as the Tories.

    What’s especially infuriating to me about his saying people are taking too much sick leave, particularly for mental health, is that he’s literally a billionaire and has the audacity to be out here telling regular people they need to suck it up and not take mental health leave that their doctors are saying is necessary.

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