A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2912: Change the Locks On the City

Rod and Karen banter about May/December romances. Then they discuss more P Diddy fallout, Scalia won’t recuse himself, Rudy Giuliani coffee, a disappointing Bluey event, children working at AL chicken plant, NYC to Dublin video portal shutdown, Black passengers suing American Airlines, Canadian writer pisses off Black Twitter with new book, Cinnamon Roll assault, pasta assault, man calls into court while driving on a suspended license and sword ratchetness.

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  1. nerdygamergriot

    Wait….y’all never read Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin?? Or seen the film adaptation with James Whitmore as the lead? Both works are from the early 60s, but that “journalist” is clearly ripping off a work he thinks is far enough in the past for today’s folk not to connect the two.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    BTW, isn’t Scalia dead? I know you thought of an other awful judge, Scalia can’t do much in this world anymore, besides maybe some haunting somewhere.

  3. EvieE

    Diddy needs to be exactly where R Kelly is. In prison. I believe he’s guilty of everything they said he did. And anyone defending him is garbage too.

    I don’t know what event was worse, that Bluey event or the Willy wonky experience. These scammers are making money by taking advantage of parents with kids. They see the kids like a certain show or character and try to come to with a bogus event to defraud the masses. Can’t believe they thought the guy in the Bluey onsey was acceptable. If I was a parent at that event, someone is getting punched.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    I wonder if Diddy might go to jail. What do you think?
    I also can’t imagine this author who pretends to be black could be real. But who knows?

  5. bamil73

    Why was I laughing so hard at the two horrible fucking with black people stories? The laughter was so innappropriate.

    With the airline one, I just pictured a white flight attendant sniffing the air then saying “I smell cocoa butter, afro-sheen and soul glo. Gee willikers! There’s niggers on this plane!” With the black face journalist one I just pictured Tropic Thunder 2 where Kirk Lazarus goes under-cover as a negro-journalist to blow the lid off this racism thing.

    On another less-relevant note, isn’t it ironic, don’t you think, that Drake’s entries in the beef were some of the best rapping he’s ever done while Kendrik’s entries were like mid-level on the Kendrick scale while still being the astronomically better songs in the beef?


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