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SMR 502: Inside Out 2

Rod and Karen review the Pixar Studio sequel, Inside Out 2.” They also discuss movie trailers and your feedback.



    Really wasn’t expecting to enjoy this as much as I did, but Inside Out 2 works because of the inclusion of Anxiety as a literal character & as an allegory. I liked the original fine enough, if not really liked it. Felt it was a film not amongst the Pixar greats. Also, haven’t seen it many years. This one really worked on me. A well-made, well done endeavor.

  2. RoninRaphael

    I loved this movie, my kid had an interesting take but then again she’s almost 6 but it’s fun to see how her brain processes this story and hear from an actual teenager. Whenever she can’t recall the title, she says The Emotions movie.

    I agree on the knock for not showing us what was going on with or inside other characters with their emotions. Felt like they would after showing the BFFs in the car then nothing until the parents at the end. Still an awesome movie and story told. I can’t unsee it now that you have mentioned it.

    Karen really nailed a lot of how I was feeling, but until I heard her, I hadn’t been able to vocalize it. So a big thank you and hugs to the both of you as always. Nope I didn’t cry over Bad Boys 4 Armando lmao

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