A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 412: Chat CPT

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss Justin’s misgynoir, ants, the Acolyte, basketball with women, binge vs weekly releases, Star Wars TV shows, Karen’s week off, A/C problems, NBA drift parties, Clipped, Hit Man, Movie Pass Movie Crash and listener feedback.


  1. ClassicRandBLover

    Good evening Rod, Karen and Justin,

    I’m using my summer break to catch up on some television.

    Are any of you watching Supacell on Netflix? It is a story about Black people in London who have superpowers. It’s actually pretty good. I think it deserves a Season 2.

    Another good series is Interview with the Vampire. The series is vastly superior to the movie adaptation of Ann Rice’s book.

    Another good watch is The Power of the Dream documentary about the WNBA. It’s currently on Amazon Prime.

    A hard but informative watch is Six Schizophrenic Sons on Max. It is about a family of twelve children, six of whom suffered from schizophrenia. It deals not just with the six ill sons, but the collective trauma that winds up essentially destroying a family. It can be depressing, but the underlying message of mental illness and the need for mental healthcare not being something to be ashamed of or embarrassed by is a good one.

  2. Mary

    I am finally watching Clipped — what the hell! Laurence Fishburne ain’t even trying to do Doc Rivers. And what is the deal with Lavar Burton always in the sauna?! So weird. Other than Matt Barnes, the actors barely resemble in looks or manner the actual player they’re supposed to be portraying. Like every Clippers production, this is why they are always Mid and LA’s forever second team. Anyway, I do appreciate Shelly Sterling’s wits. She kept the man, title of Clippers Fan for Life, and got all the money. Well done.

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