A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2944: Kamala Harris 2024!

Rod wakes Karen up from a nap to discuss the breaking news of Joe Biden stepping down and endorsing Kamala Harris.

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  1. Mary

    Thanks for this!! I did not want to listen to any other podcasts or read anything until I could decompress and process with you all — I was just too heated. Rod, you mentioned that you had seen some signs of this because of tweets you read from Kyle Griffin, a White House insider. I no longer scroll but I do want to stay informed. I wanted to ask you who else you follow to get your news? You are one of those people for me, but I’d like to follow a few more. Thanks!

  2. trey_swindu744

    Thank you so much Rod & Karen ! I just wanted to continue the chorus of people so grateful and thankful y’all did this episode. I literally started hyperventilating when I saw Joe’s post about stepping down, it was a lot for me.

    I was in the camp of people who said Joe should stay in but of course I was always in for Kamala . I hate that her campaign ran out of money before I could vote for her in my primary down in here in Alabama in 2020. Warren got my primary vote that day and Joe got it in the General just FYI.

    As a black voter I was worried about a demographic of voters I shouldn’t worry about aka white voters. Also , I will never take my foot off the neck 2016 non voters or third party voters- they screwed all of us with that bullshit.

    I realize now I can only control what I can control- the rest is up to the next person. I will say how I love seeing white people call out other white people this election cycle ,it makes a huge difference. Let them hold each other accountable ! Hold a million zoom calls if we have to, whatever it takes ! #Kamala2024 #we’renotgoingback #ridingwithmomala

    Anyways thanks again Rod & Karen! I appreciate y’all ! Sending much love always!


  3. Angela

    Thank you, Rod and Karen, for an excellent podcast as always. I am always interested in your takes. Karen, as a fellow Aries, I feel all of that pissed-off-ness, offense, and ready-to-fight feeling that you had. I am so sad and disappointed with how they treated President Biden. I am also happy and so excited about VP Harris, but I still want some get-back on those Dem donors and certain party members for how they did Joseph Robinette – forever side-eyed. We know those were the same ones who didn’t want VP Harris to step up. I don’t know this for a fact, but my Negro sense tells me that if not for the CBC and President Biden, they would have gotten their way. They are definitely not like us. maybe all of the grassroots fundraising will make their billionaire voices even less relevant. Thank you both for helping to get the information out there. You are what my mom calls, “Public Scholars”. I will have on my pink and green for Election Day and will be hair flipping and K Dot stepping to the early voting ballot box.
    love you guys

  4. brooklynshoebabe

    Thank you, Rod and Karen, (and by extension, 3GO) for this episode. There are three things that immediately made me angry when I first heard Joe was stepping down from re-election: 1. the loudmouth minority got their way; 2. Kamala is going to have to suffer from months of racism and misogyny (and to a lesser extent, Black women in general); and 3. there are those who wanted Joe to step down are still not going to be happy with a Harris’ nomination. I feel like I’m watching toddlers’ having a tantrum over not getting a cookie, and then throw another tantrum because it’s not their favorite cookie.

    I am also generally angry and frustrated, because with the political infighting, people are forgetting the big fucking picture. DEFEAT TRUMP! If Satan popped up as the Democratic candidate, I’m taking my chances with Satan because no more Trump at all costs.

  5. EvieE

    This episode is what I needed to hear. When I first heard the news I literally screamed and I said they just handed the election to Dump. I was angry like Karen and crying and screaming because some people forgot but I haven’t forgotten how bad things were under Dump the first time. If he gets in again we are all fucked. I doom scrolled for the rest of the day and when I finally calmed down I realized there’s nothing I can do but vote and I had planned to vote blue no matter who anyway so I’m all in for our VP. At first I didn’t think a black woman could win because this country is racist and they already didn’t vote for the white woman, but the only way we lose is to not vote so I’m going to do all I can to back her and fight with everything in me. I’m with her.

  6. Sean

    [puts on Linguist hat]
    KAmala Harris’ name means lotus in Tamil, a Dravidian language common in North India and Sri Lanka and has a similar cadence to Pamela.
    KaMALa Khan’s name is not actually from KAmala (lotus) but a feminized version of kaMAAL (marvel) from Urdu, which is an Indo-European language related to English and other European languages, but the difference in pronunciation is based on the use of the extended “ah” sound in the middle.
    [takes off Linguist hat]
    Don’t worry Karen, it’s not a common name in America and at least you are trying!

  7. Mdiarra

    Hey Rod and Karen,

    Been awhile since I wrote in, but Imma say I have loved the Joe presidency. My blood sugar lower, my pockets biggers, been wearing less and going out more. I am absolutely pissed that Biden was pushed out by his own party. It feels like feckless group of cowards really took away our voice and I hate that.

    I do think that Joe Biden also pushed so that when he drops out, he would immediately endorse Kamala Harris. Cause the way the endorsements were pre written for some of these. He definitely called folks and said, hey some of these folks might be on some fuck shit, make sure theres not even a chance it Aint Kamala. and he delivered!

    I been watching social media and im so glad folks are energized. I do hope the media who were so worried about age finally ask a question about Trumps age too. Cause if we wanna talk about gaffes. Jesus.

    I do also love that the endorsements keep rolling. Its so tightly secured for VP Harris that I would love to know who would put their hat in the ring now. Soon as I saw that Pelosi endorsement, it was over.

    • brooklynshoebabe

      I had no beef with Joe’s presidency. He made it possible for my student loans to be erased after not being able to qualify for years. He was able to get a Black woman on the Supreme Court. He fought for lower prescription drug costs. I still remember in 2022, my kids and I said to each other, “Oh, I forgot Joe Biden was president.” The previous presidency had us on edge, but we literally forgot Biden was president because he wasn’t acting a fool daily. Joe wasn’t really a problem for my younger friends and colleagues (and my own children) until the Israel v Palestine war, and suddenly fuck Biden as though Trump isn’t a tyrant in the making.

  8. Sean

    1 Fuck the punditocratic disasterbators for making a blue win more difficult
    2 As someone who supported Kamala in the 2020 primary, I still support her
    3 [poll] My feelings are complicated: America’s Racism & Misogyny will make this race more difficult, not going with an incumbent is statistically a bad bet, & this moves the door open to court cases in a country where the legitimacy of the judiciary can be reasonably questioned due to the deluge of unqualified fucktards foisted on the court by a man who should be in Jail rather than the hwite house. On the other hand, I support Kamala and think she has the experience, demeanor, and intelligence to be the greatest president the US has ever had (even though she isn’t as liberal / progressive as I would like). So not voting in your poll, as I feel all three simultaneously.

  9. LaKeta Chism-Williams

    K-Dot was HOT lmao! And she mirrored my sentiments exactly! It’s upsetting. It’s NOT the same fucking thing the gotdammit texts and emails were saying! I’ll get over it like everything else (I’m STILL hot about 2016, but I digress…) And the way it was done does not give us the chance to celebrate Kamala properly ONCE AGAIN…but whatever. ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY CLOONEY? Because you just lost your spot on my Babby Daddy list, asshole.

  10. Shoebootie

    It’s upsetting that things are unfolding the way they are, because we cannot afford to play fast and loose with this election. The topic again of there being “no perfect candidate” needs to resonate with more people, because like y’all said, the infighting will be the death of this election for dems. I’m afraid of losing all my rights, and rightfully so, because it’s laid out in black and white for P2025. People stay disrespecting Harris because she’s a black woman, under the guise of “her prosecutorial history.” I’m worried. I’m just plain worried.

    • Shoebootie

      but putting my worrying aside, the moment led itself to one of those really significant conversations with my 9 year old in the car… where I told her President Biden is not running anymore, and VP Harris is running. And why that is so important for women, for black women. Why it means so much for us personally and nationally. And she got EXCITED and it gave me that glimmer. Her outrage of “wait WE HAVEN’T HAD A WOMAN PRESIDENT YET?” and then “LET’S GO HARRIS!” …. I can be worried and excited and hopeful.

  11. DeeCee

    I’m going to support VP Harris, I’m still pissed at the media and the large money donors for shaping who the candidate for president will be, because this is their doing. These large corporate media conglomerates need to be broken up, and campaign finance reform needs to be added to the long list of priorities for VP Harris. Also it’s going to be interesting what these ministers and other groups who don’t like women to be in leadership are going react.

  12. ThePinkSuperhero

    As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this topic!

  13. RoninRaphael

    Thank you Rod and Karen for this episode. I was really pissed when the news broke, but almost immediately I saw my man Joe Bidens endorsement of Kamala Harris, I was like aight we in the Endgame now, I’ll wait for the BEST Podcast In The World to say what I can’t articulate yet. Thank you, I appreciate you all.

    Karen, extra hugs and kisses to you. Yes, George Clooney best come give a speech endorsing Kamala Harris. Rod, I’m still acting mad at you for Balls Deep… after hearing this episode, I know that I wasn’t crazy for having the thoughts that I have. It’s all about the Endgame now, I’ll vote Blue but it best be Kamala Harris!

    As for Van Jones that man cries like he trademarks tears. I would call the police on him if I’m about to watch a Pixar movie and see him seating next to me. Hell Nah!!!

  14. ApiafromGermany

    Even if I think Biden was unfairly treated, I feel excited for Kamala and I hope there will be no further candidates. I really hope when we are at the feedback show, there will be nothing else to report. No other suggestions.
    It’s the first woman of color who is running and I hope that she wins.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Edit on Friday: I’m glad that all the democrats read my comment here and listened to me. Good job.
      I can’t remember a time when I felt so hopeful for the US. Do you think the democrats themselves are surprised how well this worked out?

  15. kristenT2617

    The frustration with Biden stepping down is that after fighting through all of the genocide Joe propaganda, Chevron and the immunity case at the Supreme Court finally got everyone on board behind Joe. And when the people all came to a consensus to vote for this old man because it’s the only way to preserve democracy, the MILLIONAIRE DONORS threw their weight around and once again disenfranchised us. I am excited about the prospect of Kamala presidency. I think she’s amazing and is exactly what we need. But I feel the frustration is that all of these decisions are being made in spite of seeing the people backing Joe. The people’s comments and responses to all of the news media complaints has been a major backlash to them pushing out Joe.

    On a hopeful note, I like to think that Joe wanted to drop out months ago, but knew that the powers that be would try and oust Kamala so he held on until it was too late for any other option. Kamala is the ONLY candidate who can access Joe’s campaign money AND was on all of the states ballots before the deadlines. So everyone needs to be loud with their chest and support Kamala. Period. And stop pretending that there are any other viable options that can beat the court cases as well. We cannot have a repeat of bush gore ‍♀️ and we cannot fail and have another 2016. Let’s go KAMALA

    • ApiafromGermany

      I agree. The only chance to win is for everyone to support Kamala and otherwise shut up.

  16. ClassicRandBLover

    Hello Rod and Karen,

    I am one of the people that was down. I did not feel this way because of Kamala, I felt this way because of the disgraceful way President Biden has been treated by those people with a clear anti-democratic agenda (I’m looking at you Main Stream Media, which is now wholly owned by the oligarchs of the world, and social media outlets such as Twitter, which I will never refer to as X). However, that down feeling has transformed into an outright, righteous anger, on behalf of and in support of Kamala Harris. My feeling is that I am riding with Kamala even if it means I have to do The Flinstones car drive with my feet on the pavement. I already see the attacks against VP Harris, and all I have to say is “FUCK YOU. Your ass is blocked and I’m, going to keep riding with Kamala.”

    I am so motivated that I just donated to Kamala’s campaign, and I have never given to a campaign before. I plan on giving again when VP Harris is officially named the party nominee. My commute to and from work is long, but if I can find a way to help the Harris campaign through phone drives, which I know the UFT, my union, will be doing, I will. I can get home late, I can be tired, I can be run down because I understand the existential threat Rump and his cronies pose to this country, this world, and everything that matters to me as a Black woman. To quote Deadpool and Wolverine, “Let’s Fucking Go!”

    • ClassicRandBLover

      I came back to include that I will be watching the Democratic Convention every night, which is something I never do, (I usually tune into the “big night”), but I want to see all these people fall in line because I will not contribute to another candidate, I will not make calls on behalf of another candidate, especially not that fucknut Joe Manchin. Harris 2024!

      • trey_swindu744

        Amen ! Facts! Co-sign!

  17. Anne

    I knew y’all would be on top of this. 🙂

    Also, have y’all ever heard of Hartz Chicken restaurant. They have several places in Houston. Have been around for over 40 years. They never have a crowd. I don’t know why they haven’t closed. I think they’re the chicken equivalent of Arby’s.

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