A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2947: Blacked Dragon

Rod and Karen recap HBO’s “House of the Dragon.”

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  1. AishaL

    Do yall believe Mysaria and her story about the scar on her throat?? I am interested to know if that is the real story or if she makes something up everyone time she explains it.

    I not sure if Rhaenyra should let her guard down around Mysaria.

  2. KobaX

    Damn I’m slow smh; it took me until this episode to realize just how bad of a parent Alicent (hell Jahaerys too) must’ve been. Then again kings landing must be a terrible place to raise kids.

  3. Keith

    Felt Five is the GOAT, I can’t stop rewinding that intro

  4. mizzbarnes

    This is an Aemond Appreciation Post. Can we talk about how the villain fits be fitting…the hair is smooth and laid out and he looks like he smells good. I have the same philosophy as the gangsters in Supacell…..Aemond will absolutely kill me, but because he has the UK accent, I will smile as he sets me to 5000 degrees in the dragon oven. I do like the evil ones, for some odd reason.

  5. Shoebootie

    “Can I pet dat dawgggg?”

  6. earnestdotcom

    I just want to say that I am so glad to be listening to a House of the Dragon recap show that pulls out Willie Hutch when a dragon selects a rider. Thank you for your hard work, and shout out to the chat room.

  7. RoninRaphael

    Did you really say “Lettuce Pray” I love that hahaha!

    For once, Arby’s gets the love & I agree. Kings landing needed that, no judgment.

    Now, as the heir to my late Auntie, it’s only fair that I get a dragon. Now I finally understand why they tell me to read the manual b4 using. Let’s just say that I am fire & blood. BRB got to finish reading a manual.

  8. EvieE

    Aemond is kinda scary because we see how far he will go for power. The way he stood over his brother almost me made me almost feel sorry for Aegon. And Aegon is a garbage human.
    Alicent continues to get just what she deserves. I didn’t even know there was a third brother, maybe I’ve missed it but it’s the first time I’m hearing about him which in my opinion means they’re probably going to kill him off and send Alicent into a mental breakdown because that’s the only good son.

    Why did Seasmoke come at Adam like Fleece Johnson the booty warrior? He had Adam cowering against the rocks like “I likes ya and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. “

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