A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2948: Milk Toast

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Dj

    I’m so on black people time responding at the last minute. The summer read is over so I’m slowly catching up on everyone’s episodes. Being the old lady soul I was born I love the adult prize extra tall coffee mug!
    I’m all for Kamala. All I can say is America please don’t f-$#& it up this time for god’s sake please! I loved a meme picture out there saying the new secret service detail ready to start and it’s the Dora Milaje! Black folks I love us! lol

    This has nothing to do with the episode (and can skip if you feel it’s a spoiler), but it’s too cute not to share. My mini sometimes listens with me and now recognizes Rod and Karen’s voices. He asks yesterday if they were in Jujutsu Kaisen would they be the best and I cracked up saying “yeah they’d at least have the sense to not be in Shibuya on Halloween, black people sense tingling”. lol
    Love you guys thanks!

  2. Sean

    You mentioned curiosity about whether my position from last week had changed…
    Well, time has passed…
    Still annoyed at those who had there toe stepped on by Biden in the debate and then repeatedly shot themselves in the foot while complaining about the footpain caused by Biden’s debate performance…
    I am joyous at the reception that Kamala has received and am enjoying the shift from a necessary candidate to a candidate that evokes excitement. I’ve been hopeful, but that doesn’t mean I can’t keep the, as Rod put it, “Arya Stark list” of bad actors. Especially when they are trying to claim that they are the reason for this excitement rather than the excitement happening in part to shut them up. I know statistically it should be a more difficult road, but the way that everyone has stepped in formation and shut down the negativity has made me want to pull a Han Solo and tell my natural C-3P0 demeanor, “Never tell me the odds!”
    So, I have the same underlying concerns and condemnations as when I wrote in before, but they are tempered by the outpouring of excitement over the candidate that I voted for four years ago in the primary and will vote for this year in the general.

  3. EvieE

    That Karma chameleon explanation came straight out of Wikipedia and you’re right it makes no sense. But that was one of my favorite song and I know every word so here’s what he was really saying

    “Listen bitch, I’m trying to love you but you keep switching things up on me. Stop playing in my face. Damn!”

    You’re welcome

  4. FLDuchess16

    Shout out to the man who called in keeping a list like Arya Stark!

  5. RoninRaphael

    In Wakanda Accent “Give this man a Gatorade and everything good for voice recovery.” I just wanted to appreciate Rod and Karen for giving us over 3 hours of podcasting. The Best Podcast in The World! Just da Best!

    I felt a 3rd option was missing from the poll. We’ll talk on Wed, goddaaaaaaaaam!

  6. ApiafromGermany

    When I now think about the American election, I don’t feel the desperation I felt until a week ago. It s so strange, I rember that awful feeling, I go there in my mind and now there’s actually hope and excitement.

    Here in German media, they seem to have fallen in love with her.

    Smart, charismatic, extremely qualified, reasonable, exactly the right candidate,
    This is how she is described.
    My LinkedIn is expoding with love for her, and especially men are going in hard for her.

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