A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2950: Poppycock

Rod and Karen banter about commercials for older people. Then they discuss the NABJ hosting Donald Trump, Tyler Perry defends his fans, Biden proposes term limits for Supreme Court, Elon Musk shares Kamala Harris deep fake, Homeowner find family using her private pool, Iowa 6 week abortion ban in effect, Macy Gray’s healing formula, Simon Biles slams hair haters, colon cancer blood test, Donald Trump may not have been shot, R Kelly attempting to go to SCOTUS, Black Capitalism, woman drills a screw into her daughter, bag of drugs, lasagna drug smuggling scheme and sword ratchetness.

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  1. SymSymma

    Catching up on shows and so glad I listened. I just saw an ad for Swimply and thought about renting a pool to hang with my family. My cousin is a lifeguard, former Navy rescue swimmer, and fireman/EMT, so I thought it would be a cool, safe, summer fun day for a whole minute. Here comes Rod & Karen reminding me of sense and germs.

  2. EvieE

    Just as I thought he’d do, Dump played in their face. It didn’t move the needle one bit and now they look foolish. But that doesn’t call for you using such strong language Rod. There are children listening. So by golly you need to watch your mouth. That was pure hogwash, pardon my language.

    Elon Musty is up to no damn good. I can barely go on Twitter anymore because my for you page is nothing but right wing propaganda. He has tweaked the algorithm to the point where all I see is trolls and I’ve never followed accounts like that. This fool is trying to aide in stealing the election.

    • ClassicRandBLover

      I couldn’t agree with you more EvieE. It pains me to see Black people playing the role of the from to anyone, least of all Rump playing the scorpion who asks the frog to carry it across the river. I have no idea what the NABJ thought they would get from that. Did they think they would get a come-up, notoriety, a big scoop. All I know is that all they got was the Fred G. Sanford, “YOU BIG DUMMY” Prize. They look all the worse for rebuffing Kamala Harris’ attempt to work with them so that her voice could be heard.

  3. PamelaM8

    Regarding the NABJ and Trump, I read AP News, and I feel like they were reporting at least a day or two before on their site that he would be in attendance and my first thought was “Who invited you? Don’t nobody want your a** there!” because there was no reference to the invitation extended in the article. Then the story broke later about the details of the invitation and I’m like okay. But it went the way everyone thought it would; black journalists were checking his a** to answer actual questions and not ramble on some bull****, he wouldn’t answer them and got hostile with a quickness, it was widely reported as a disaster, and he of course claimed victory. Everyone could have saved a lot of time, but it wasn’t up to me!

    • ApiafromGermany

      Exactly, he used the platform to doubt Kamalas identity and that’s the only thing that was reported about . He got the attention he needed and could spread some more hate. Great idea everyone.

  4. Shoebootie

    I had the garlic parmesan popeyes wings recently, and I was MAD at how good they were. Don’t make me be craving that shit, I can’t add a new craving to my repertoire!

  5. ApiafromGermany

    The NABJ.
    D.T. misses the attention, that’s why he says yes to stuff he said no to before. And now he enjoys people fighting over him.

  6. ApiafromGermany

    Staying informed about old people stuff is important but just maybe, people who sell stuff to you might have an angle and try to make it as if the problem they are targeting the worst ever? Just a thought. Signed Apia from big pharma.
    Btw. I have 0 body pain and I blame my yoga everyday.

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