A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2957: Behated

Rod and Karen banter about Karen’s wig, Black patriotism taking a break, walking, why there will never be another male Black president, Karen thinking about working out, For My Man, Black Rob, bahated, Kelis, gym competition and spinach and artichoke dip. Then they discuss Kamala Harris middle class background, a couple charging their wedding guests money, Trump News, Lip Pump says he’s leaving the US if Harris wins, Andre 3K was saddened by the Kendrick/Drake beef, Drake drops 100 GBs of content, the Fugees cancel their tour and TI and Tiny get a legal win.

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  1. Keith

    On the subject of the uneven media coverage of Biden, right now the Beltway media is having a collective temper tantrum about the fact that the Harris campaign is mostly ignoring them. They aren’t the most introspective group of people around, so it’s really lost on them that Harris actually had a front-row seat to see how they treated Biden and consistently held Trump to a lower standard (or maybe more accurately they held him to no standard at all). So after seeing Biden completely lose control over how he and his administration’s accomplishments were perceived largely due to the way the media defined him, I think she just concluded there was no benefit to her bothering with any of that and she’d just try to avoid Biden’s mistakes there and try to do it herself. Also there’s this theme among them that she’s violating some kind of rule or norm by not making herself more available to them but the Harris campaign peeps game there too and says “fuck that” because Trump has openly shit on every norm there is (and that’s including this one, that nigga Trump be ignoring the media except when there’s something in it for him but they praise him when he does it). I don’t say all this with the intention of shitting on the institution of journalism, but I think the Beltway crowd specifically has lost their way from a combination of letting Republicans play them so long and chasing all that easy money from the Trump freak show from 2015 onward. They see themselves as sacred gatekeepers and their egos don’t allow them to see that people think they actually suck at that role and in my humble opinion it’s good to see the Harris campaign trying to avoid that pitfall as much as they can.

  2. EvieE

    For my Man is my show. It’s just one compilation of bad decisions. Everytime one of these women does something stupid for these losers I keep wondering how bomb must that dick because I just don’t understand.

  3. Sean

    Definitely time to resurrect the Old English word behatan, that was a great word back in the day!

    That being said, I didn’t want to mention it, but I had a bulgogi beef pizza burrito in Seoul.. so not sure if that would interfere with your dreams of patenting a pizza taco.

    Also, if you want to try a new way to cook steaks, it’s pretty simple and relies on the protelytic enzymes to make the beef super tender… Basically, cut onion slices half the width of your steak. Salt the pan (this will prevent the steak from sticking without oil) and brown the two sides on super high heat (less than ten seconds a side). Then lower the heat (pretty low) and you may need to add a little oil, and place the onion slices on the pan. Put the steak on top of the onion slices cover the pan and heat until it’s about 35c (95f), then flip the steaks and onions (steaks still on top), cover again and heat until 43c (110f). Uncover and turn off the heat. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Most delicate steaks ever!

  4. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    Last comment I swear, lol

    Glad Karen is enjoying wearing wigs. I wore a wig since on a bad hair day. I whipped my head too fast and it came off at work. My coworker saw me and gave me a funny look. I was mortified.

    Lil Pump can go with his graffiti face ass. Can’t name one song by his ass. #kamalaovereveeything #dogmomforKamala #ZetasforKamala

    If you bought a ticket to The Fugees reunion….
    Insert 50 cent laughing in car gif

    Love you guys!!!


  5. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    Apparently I’m missing the party by not watching For My Man. I love crime shows. Currently binge watching Dateline on Peacock. Over 20 seasons in and people still thinking they can get away with killing folks. I yell at the tv like “so you really thought they weren’t gonna check the cell towers? Dumb ass!”

  6. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    Weddings are expensive as hell. It’s my belief that most people want the wedding but not the marriage. If you can’t afford the big shindig, scale it down or go to the courthouse. The average wedding in America is $20-30k. I was in 5 weddings between September 2015 and July 2016. Two of the couple not even together today. One had a really nice, pricey wedding and the other had a smaller wedding. Both ended unfortunately. As a guest, I’m not attending unless I can provide a gift of at least $50. For $333, I need open bar, Ruth Chris Catering, performance by Rod and Karen for cocktail hour, and a souvenir gift.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Our wedding was under 500 Dollars and we are still together, it was in 2006.
      I really didn’t want a big wedding, it sounded so stressful to me.

  7. RoninRaphael

    Now I can’t stop thinking about that couples therapist that almost got murdered by the folks who claimed that her methods didn’t work. Best advertising ever, almost in the category of Friday’s “chicken taste so good, make you want to slap your Mama.” I would love to know the name of her practice, she got to have a killer sign and catch phrase. Literally earned it, that therapist good. Certified good!

  8. ApiafromGermany

    We have ” behated” in German. Surprise! Who would have thought with our beautyfull language of love ( yes I mean German)
    It’s verhasst.
    Ver- hasst, like be- hated.
    Your friend from Europe

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