A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2962: Here Cum the Judge

Rod and Karen banter about an audiobook recommendation, new commercial breaks, DMV appointments, little lies Karen tells, Fall is almost back and the Acolyte canceled. They they discuss highlights from the DNC, George Santos pleads guilty, Cornel West defended by republican lawyers, Melania Trump got 237k to talk to gay republicans, Reggie COUZ viral video, Black Capitalism, OK judge wilding out, Ohio woman murders and eats cat, Ravioli battery and sword ratchetness.

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    On the matters of The Acolyte getting canned & people shitting on IPs just to do it, just reminds me how right Ben Affleck was in Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back about people bitching about movies. For the record, haven’t watched the show yet, I’m just sick to death of the disingenuousness of Marvel, Star Wars, DC, so on. Even people I respect who look at these things with disdain, I’m bored of them. Not as people, but their opinions. I’l was sick of this in 2001, when there was this very topic, when Rush Hour 2 & that Planet of the Apes remake were having over 50% week two dropoffs & fucking Access Hollywood & newspapers were calling for a conversation of “is the box office in trouble” or some variation of that conversation. There’s no middle ground anymore. For instance, I too thought Alien: Romulus was just fine. A nice ode to the first two movies. Nothing more, but we don’t do middle ground. Everything iseither gender wars, something being too traumatic, too black. It’s too much everywhere. There’s very little grey that could allow for nuanced conversations. I’m hot taked the fuck out (except for your Stephen A. Smith impression on the MCUniversity podcast, that fucking ruled!). I always liked Age of Ultron, Thor 4, Star Trek Into Darkness, Furiosa, The Photograph, The Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Quantum of Solace, Iron Man 3 & countless others, while recognizing their individual flaws. Some are a range of decent to exceptional. I don’t want to overpenalize Ultron for a piss poor Hulk & Black Widow love story when it does a lot so well (even breaking some fourth wall shit with Joss Whedon as a person) It was always a damn good film, just some nerds have to be pedantic ninnies because they thought Wakanda was supposed to be in the film when it wasn’t.
    I’ll even put in the soon-to-be a decade old Arkham Knight for the hell of it & time seems to have come back to it, especially with that Suicide Squad game shitting the bed for WB & Rocksteady. I’m admittedly rambling, these things usually do, because it’s the same damn thing & even I have to ask myself, am I trippin’ or is that internet shit (which it is, most of the time). There’s shit I don’t like either, like that terrible Borderlands film but like Bryant Gumbel doing Real Sports for many years, “let’s move on”. Furiosa for as great as it was & bombing at the BO, wasn’t the end of cinema, neither is Borderlands, Quantummania or The Flash. Somethings work or they don’t. That’s life. What will “end the theater” realistically, is what fucks up all things: Greed & unchecked hubris & that’s a constant. Take it easy, y’all.

  2. EvieE

    Karen is honest to the bone. I don’t believe she lies. You’re making that up Rod. Stop lying on our queen.

    I hope George Santos and Cornell west are names we never hear again after 2024. Fuck both of them.

  3. Keith

    AOC is smart and definitely realized her political career was at a crossroads and that associating herself with the DSA was a dead end because they’re a bunch of phonies and losers who would rather be publicly seen being indignant about things rather than actually do anything about them. Forgive me if I commented this on the wrong episode by the way, I meant to make this comment earlier in the week but you spent the next 5 minutes talking shit about the DSA and saying what I wanted to say while I was making the comment in my head and I forgot to do it. Anyway, they turned on AOC because she matured and figured out how to be a more effective politician and that’s just not something they do. There’s a reason they have almost no actual political power. They forfeit the game before they even agree to start playing and then spend the rest of the time complaining about how unfair it is that everyone else is playing the game without them.

  4. RoninRaphael

    Now that Judge Lovell story kept sounding like a wild random Netflix movie that I just found without searching for it. I was going to recommend that he resigns on the condition that he gets to keep the table with which he brought two baliffs to justice on (he could have had a career on Only Fans). Then I heard his gun offenses… yeah, go to the jail might be better solution.

  5. MattinAsheville

    Sad to hear The Acolyte got canceled and I too avoid a lot of the online banter in the nerdshpere. Curious if your familiar with the podcast Yub Nub, I feel you would appreciate their takes and I’d love to hear you guest on their show (or have one of them on because I love it when my favs get together).

  6. Bad-Biscuit

    Karen’s little lies cracked me up! My wife complains about me doing the same. I don’t know if I’m a people pleaser or what. I also do the “I’ll be there in 10 minutes” when the reality is 30. I’ll say I’m around the corner when I’m not or I’ll say I am on my way but I’m just getting out of the shower.

    My wife says, “just tell the truth, no one will get mad.” She is right. I’ve gotten better just saying what is TRUE. It’s practice Karen, but you can do it! It’s hard though.

  7. Sean

    Listening to Karen’s reluctance to say, “I don’t know” made me think, was our generation traumatized by You Can’t Do That on Television to the degree that we have an irrational fear if saying “I don’t know” or is it just me?

    • Sean

      Sorry, why did autocorrect change “of” to “if”?
      I don’t know…
      (Covers head to avoid slime)

  8. ApiafromGermany

    We had the best summer in years this year. And by that I mean, it wasn’t very hot.
    When we had two hotter days, the third it rained. It was mostly about 80 ( American) degrees at max. This was so so great. The plants got enough water and growed a lot.
    Still, when I read American press about the weather in Europe it was only about extreme heat, and this wasn’t our experience at all this year in Germany.
    It was so nice this year.

    Btw. Spouses speaking for political candidates is something we do not have here. And even if I really enjoyed Kamalas husband speaking or Michelle Obama, overall I think the spouse has no official job and it’s better not to involve them. But I know, it’s American culture.
    And the speeches were great!

  9. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    The new banger music is fire!! If only I could get to a studio. I’d love to contribute to the show. I’m glad Rod had a decent experience at the DMV. I’ll never forget the 6 hour ordeal I had to endure to obtain my NC license. I was able to update my address on line this year. I don’t mind the hot temps because I have this good ol A/C. Only thing I’m not looking forward to is it getting darker earlier. So ready for the pumpkin spice lattes.

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