A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2964: Hope Is Revolutionary

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. EvieE

    Hope is indeed revolutionary and if history tells us anything the last two candidates who ran on hope and change won their elections twice and that was Clinton and Obama. I think Kamala has this, and I love that the right is falling apart because she nailed her interview with Fox lite aka CNN.

  2. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars! Hope indeed is Revolutionary! VP Harris does not owe them jive turkeys ( in my ole Southern accent) any sitdowns or one-on-one interviews. She is trying to win this election! That DNC Roll-Call will stay in the rotation while at work.

  3. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    The new banter song is fire!!

  4. RoninRaphael

    I would also like to give my official shout-out to Esabalu for the cool banter music. Started following on the IG.

    Do you know that I was watching Slow Horses and brother appeared on screen, I screamed “Lord DEI, my Nigga”. Ya’ll made me forget the brother’s name now. I best not run into him at Comic Con or something, it will be like when I ran into the brother who plays Turk Barett in Daredevil, Luke Cage, & Punisher at NYCC played by Rob Morgan. I couldn’t remember his name, so I was like “Sir, you be killing it as Turk but you get your ass whooped a lot. Don’t let the Punisher catch you.” He laughed and we took a couple of photos. He was just walking in the crowd, it was later I thought to myself what’s that brother’s actual name? Got to fix it before I meet Lord DEI or I’m a tell him it’s Rod and Karen’s fault for hooking me to the best review in the world. That’s my cocaine. Ya’ll the best!

  5. MattinAsheville

    Well damn! Sorry if I forgot, I put 2553 and 2561 back in my queue to check my goldfish brain. There’s a non-zero chance that I found Yub Nub through TBGWT and deserve all the side eye.

    • MattinAsheville

      Confirmed, I’m the worst kind of JL co-fan. My earnest listening started with 2454 and at some point I also listened to 1480. I’ll go sit down…

  6. ApiafromGermany

    Btw, the big health insurances in Germany are corporations under public law and not for profit organizations.
    Their job is to secure health services for the citizens and not to make the most profit.
    There is a parallel private system of for profit health insurance, but you can only choose to go there when you make from 70 000 -dollars a year. That’s because you have to pay for services and drugs first and get the money back from the insurance and the by law insurance pays for you. You never have to pay the doctor. And kids are free on the by law insurance.
    Why would anyone want to change it? When you are young and healthy, the private insurance can be cheaper and physicians get more money from it, so you will probably get an appointment faster.
    Overall ist not a perfect system but it’s also not bad.

  7. ApiafromGermany

    I also noticed that the media tries the narrative: good vibes aren’t enough.
    Enough for what?
    For winning, they are enough. The people who are undecided now.
    Facts will not change their minds.
    The only way to change minds is by emotion. People like to join a winning team. I think this is the way to go.
    And that emotions decide is also working at myself, even when I know it.
    We have way more political parties here.
    Before an election, there is something called „Wahlomat“, you can compare your views online with parties competing at the election, you answer 40 questions and get an answer afterwards.
    It happened multiple times that my number 1 party in this Wahlomat is FDP and the second the Green Party.
    I look at the result, think “ but I don’t like FDP” and vote for my second best match.
    ( this party is a liberal party but with a posh touch. I’m a working class person at heart)
    It feels better.

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