A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2976: Coonsigning

Rod and Karen are joined by comedian Chris Lamberth to discuss auditioning for parts, the PS5 pro, NCAA, the worst part of fandom, Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Shake Shack, Dating, Gender Wars, White People News and Sword Ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @ChrisLamberth

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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  1. EvieE

    I’m not familiar with Andrew Schultz but I was a listener of Shits and Gigs until last week. They let that alabaster alligator play in their face and at first I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but the more that keeps coming out about them I have to side eye them. Unfollowed and disappointed.

  2. RoninRaphael

    Shout-out Chris Lamberth, he’s a good brother, and a great guy. I love that brother, like me and him go waaaaaaaay back. However, why did he got to recommend Tyrese on Club Shay Shay? Until I get free club shake shack chicken, I’m a still be mad. Ain’t chickens dying everyday?

    Your right about the Schultz guy being lazy comedy, fuck him. A friend sent me a video from a Nigerian making fun of an older black jazz artist here. I asked her why it was funny? She said that it just is, but she didn’t realize her own people in Nigeria have famous musicians who do their version of what they using to laugh at the jazz artist. Nothing constructed, just looking down on someone and claiming funny. That shit gets old with me fast. I can’t even think of a Fuck Them music to ask!

  3. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    I would’ve been salty if I was apart of the Jane Addiction show. Can we get the bag and throw hands later?

  4. ApiafromGermany

    Coming home to our white woman household is definitely not how some might think.
    First, we have no martini.
    Second, I’m away for work more, so Mr Apia will get.” Good to be home” instead of an instant blowjob. And I absolutely can get mad.
    Last week I was away for work and we got to know something about the history of the place and also something about old school dating.
    It was BAD.
    The one girl who was 22 had to marry a 15-year old French king, ( Louis the XV) and even at the wedding he was too busy to be present? And send some other guy to fill in, so they only met afterwards. And he felt in love so hard, that he only took a mistress when she was pregnant and not prior, and that’s supposed to be a good thing.
    The other girl had to travel with her mother and 2 sisters to a Russian Zar for 3 months in a carriage and the Zar could choose one of the sisters to marry. The loosers had to travel back the same way and the “ lucky” sister had to stay with the Zar and never see them again.

    So I don’t know. I’m glad I don’t have to date, but if I had to, at least men would ghost me without my mother being involved or some weird I’m too busy to be present at the wedding so I just send a random guy instead shit.

  5. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    I appreciate the commentary that Chris Lambert provided on dating. It’s a terrible climate out here. It’s so hard to find reciprocity or simply someone who doesn’t want to play around. I appreciate the love Chris expressed toward black women. It feels that we are often the punching bag. I’m familiar with Shits and Giggles. Hoping the laughter was “idk how to respond” rather than agreeing with Andrew Shultz who historically has had some bullshit takes.

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