A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2989: It’s Okay To Give A F#ck

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. ApiafromGermany

    Now that almost a week went by, I can reflect on the experience.
    This voice-mail made me very sad, I really cried and couldn’t even stop in yoga and was honestly confused by my emotions. Fitting, the title of the episode.

    It’s the feedback show, it’s not like I dominate every show or am the only one to comment.
    I thought things were fine and that people enjoyed it.
    So I was very confused why it was bad that I said my opinion in a hopefully funny way and that I don’t know about black life in America and that my wish to connect was somehow sick. I dont have the black experience, thats obviously true, but how is this my fault and I’m here to learn new stuff! I know about my life, like about an European immigrant experience, big pharma and yoga. Lots of good stuff to offer.
    Is this bad? Should people who aren’t black rather stay in their bubbles among themselves? I thought this was also bad.

    This is an honest question. This way I will never get a black friend, and I heard now at least two are required to be considered non problematic.
    I really enjoy the show but I don’t want to make people angry.

    • EvieE

      We love you Apia!

      • ApiafromGermany

        I love you too! And I have blachorette news, i met a second black Dorothea on a convention of neuroradiology, who tried to befriend me ! And she was, as the other one, again the same hight as me.
        i’m almost 5^10.

  2. littlp84

    I love Apia’s feedback as well! That person is just a hater.

    In regards to celebrities and mental health-I half feel bad for Kayne, and I’ll admit I don’t k is his full story, but from what I understand losing his mom was the beginning of his spiral. He also knows better having been on medications for a bit. It’s not the first time I’ve heard someone with bipolar saying that the meds numb them creatively. The manic phase makes them feel like they can accomplish anything and in some cases they can which perpetuates the idea that they don’t need meds. But dammit I cringed so hard seeing Kayne siding with Trump just knowing Trump was loving showing off that fool, having ZERO cares about him.

    And the media is fucking horrendous in general dealing with mental health. I will never forget the paperazzi hounding Amanda Bynes when she was very clearly in the throes of a mental health episode. South Park wasn’t off the mark with their Britney episode.

    Also I discovered that I know someone who legit doesn’t know who he is voting for. And he’s black! I had to hold back my disbelief because he was on his way out with my nephews but he was like-I’m not sure Harris is about the kids at all. And being shocked and not having a lot of time for a full length discussion I was able to tell him that Walz definitely is and told him about the free lunches and free menstrual products for his state public schools as well as his being a public school teacher. He did thank me for the info and said he would look into it further but I’m still sure my eyes were as big as saucer plates. I kind of wished I had said straight up “Trump doesn’t like black people!! He only likes the people who can make him money and as soon as you are used up he will throw you away. Project 2025 is super clear”. I hope I said enough to change his mind but damn.

  3. Imani_of_the_Chi

    Thank you for recommending the podcast Good Game with Sarah Spain. That interview with Christine Brennan was so good!!! Sarah got with Christine’s filibustering ass!!! Folks, if you haven’t listened, I highly recommend you do. I have now listened to a few other episodes and appreciate Christine’s nuanced take on how racism, sexism and homophobia are impacting the WNBA players. She gets it. She understands how to be an ally and how to use her voice and platform to elevate people with marginalized identities. Rod, I appreciate the fact that you consume and recommend this kind of media. It’s why I love this show. You all make me laugh, keep me up on current events (I be busy) and I learn lots of new things. @Karen I have The Message on Audible and it will be my next listen!!

  4. EvieE

    I’m writing in to say I’m an Apia Stan. I enjoy her feedback and I’m still invested in her search for a black friend. She makes me smile and that voicemail felt rude. Apia, please don’t stop writing in.
    Sign, your problematic black friend in America

  5. DizzyLizzyGyal

    Jesus, I’m offended on Apia’s behalf wtf?! You’re fine Apia, I enjoy your feedback and of all the wild speculation regarding Diddy, yours was not one that was off the wall.

    • DizzyLizzyGyal

      Listening back again, I think they’re just upset about Diddy. It is what it is.

  6. ApiafromGermany

    I wrote this comment before hearing the voicemail targeting me. It hurt me deeply.
    My only move is leaving.

    • SayDatAgain

      Apia – We enjoy your feed back. It’s called the Feedback show. It’s the place where you leave comments. As stated on the show we don’t have an issue with you leaving feedback at all. Feel free to keep sending it and we will keep reading it.

    • Yetunders

      Apia, please don’t mind that lady, I can only speak for myself but I think most of the fans love you! ❤️❤️

    • Imani_of_the_Chi

      Apia, please don’t let one person’s negativity turn you away. That voicemail was rude and unnecessary. The fact that you are a white woman living in Germany gives you a vastly different perspective and lived experience from many of us. That’s a beautiful thing!! Folks say they want diversity, but when they have to interact with someone who has a different perspective, they can’t handle it.

    • Leah31

      This is my first time commenting. I had to come support Apia. Apia, I look forward to your feedback every week. It is nice to have a perspective from a person living in another country. You are a true fan and supporter of TBGWT. Love you and Mr. Apia!

  7. ApiafromGermany

    Rod said something that made me think, and it was that saying “ both sides” is a great way to mask being totally uninformed.
    I am not interested in sports at all, not even Fußball.
    ( soccer)
    When I have to talk to someone who loves talking about it, ( in a work setting as for small talk, otherwise I don’t care)
    I can always say: what about Fußball this year? It’s crazy!
    No matter what year it is and what is happening.
    And so I seem informed and the other one goes off.

    I’ve seen what the undecided voters say in the New York Times, the main criticism about DT is he is too extreme, Kamala- I don’t know enough about her.
    Hm. One of the two can be changed by the undecided voter alone, and it’s not turning DT -less extreme. The person could just sit down and read some stuff about Kamala, or even watch some videos, if reading is too hard.
    But no, that the person isn’t informed is somehow Kamala’s fault somehow. Didn’t she knock on your door at a time that works for you to inform you in an informative way? So sad. Even by logic alone you should vote for Kamala. DT -is too extreme and the other side, you don’t know. Imagine one glass is full of stinky urine and the other one might be urine or good tasty water.
    I’d drink the second one. And it is good water!

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